Chapter 9: Wayne Murder Case - The Arrest

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"People's lives don't end when they die, it ends when they lose faith."

– Itachi Uchiha (Naruto)


"God, I never thought that writing programs would be this taxing. I think this is my 10000th line of code this week." Bruce complained to no one as he continued to type away with his tired and swollen fingers he yawned due to the lack of sleep for the last few nights, a result of Selina making him into her personal hug teddy every night for some reason, not that he was complaining about it.

Anyways, to construct a new AI for him, he not only had to write code for the primary matrix of the AI but also write different separate additional programs to make sure that the current programming languages and tech of this time would be able to handle and support his code for the required AI. He didn't want to spend a month writing codes for an AI, only for it to crash later because some programming language simply wasn't capable enough to process his complex code.

"But at least I don't have to make blueprints for this. That's a plus." Bruce's smugly thought. His biggest headache wasn't writing code or gaining knowledge or even using his 'gift' to understand how stuff works. No, his fear was making blueprints. That was the one thing that he hated in this life due to the fact of how time-consuming it truly was.

He remembered that he had to spend an entire day making blueprints when he was first trying to make his bat-tool. To most scientists or engineers, that would be considered an extremely small time to devote to making a blueprint of such a complex tech but to him, it was an eternity since he had come up with the idea and understood the entire process of how the bat-tool was gonna work within just one hour but took a day for drawing up its blueprint.

Even following the blueprint and actually constructing the bat-tool was a much more enjoyable process where he at least wasn't bored out of his mind.

"And done. That marks the end of all the additional programs required to run the primary code. Now I just have to write the main code for the AI and start the training process." It would be a little more difficult and time-consuming for the AI to grow and mature due to the absence of enough simulation and training data since this was still the nineties and the internet still hadn't developed to that extent yet but the AI would succeed nonetheless with it becoming smarter and smarter with the steady development of technology and spread of internet since that was the primary place where all advanced AI collect data from to learn.

Bruce was at first thinking about making an assistant-type AI like Jarvis but he already had Alfred. So instead, he decided to go for something more complex. He would never in his full sanity ever try to make a militaristic AI like Skynet but he could make a supportive analytical one like Cortana, one which could update and evolve its responsibilities with time while strictly sticking to its core programming and commands of being loyal to him and always obeying him.

"Yes. Soon I'll develop my own AI and then the entire internet will be my playground. Unlimited nudes forever, hahaha, muahahaha HAHA HAHAHA."

"You are laughing like one of those crazy scientists on tv, you know?" Selina said from behind him while chewing on a piece of gum.

"Da FCK?" Bruce almost had a heart attack as he was surprised by Selina's sudden voice interrupting him. Selina could be really sneaky when she wanted to be. She was the literal living incarnation of what a talented female cat burglar should be like in a fictional universe filled with absurdly skilled and powerful people.

"Oh Sorry, did I surprise you?" Selina said with an extremely smug smile that said 'Got you again'.

"Kitty, you took over my bed, I didn't say anything. You made me your hug buddy every night, I didn't say anything (In fact, he even enjoyed it somewhat). But this cave is my personal man cave and you don't come into a man cave without permission. That's the one thing you never do. And also, how did you even find it? I was sure that I hid all its entrances on the estate ground very well." Bruce said with an annoyed expression.

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