Chapter 28: The Last year Dragon Grind

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"What's the point of magic, to begin with... if I can't use it to protect my friends?"

– Lucy Heartfilia, (Fairy Tail)


"Were you this fit the last time I came here because you look like you went through a real growth spurt?" Zatanna asked with a mixture of curiosity and confusion in her eyes as she looked at Bruce who now looked like he was a really fit twelve-year-old rather than a nine-year-old kid.

"Yeah, Bruce. Tell us, how exactly did you become this fit?" Selina also repeated Zatanna's question as she squinted her eyes at him.

"It's just your imagination girls, I was always this ripped and handsome. Perhaps, you two just never noticed it till now." Bruce smiled defensively not looking into the eyes of either one of the girls.

The young witch had visited him today to rekindle back their friendship and catch up with him. Her father had dropped her at Bruce's house in the morning, promising that he would come to pick her up in the evening.

Bruce had been maintaining his distance from Giovanni as he was sure that he had cast some sort of spell on him the last time they had met. So, he didn't talk with Giovanni much, only interacting with him the minimum required amount. Bruce was trying to stay the hell away from Giovanni as much as possible.

He was even wary of Zatanna since the sorceress had a history of erasing people's memories in the comics, especially Batman's.

Anyways, after the young witch visited his home, she quickly managed to become Selina's friend as the two surprisingly had quite similar personalities. The trio was right now sitting beside a lake as they were waiting to see the sunset.

"Hey, you two wanna see a magic trick?" Zatanna asked trying to lighten the awkward atmosphere.

"Yeah, sure. I love magic." Bruce answered curious to see her magic.

"Here see an ordinary coin and now it disappears," Zatanna said as she shook her fist holding the coin to make it disappear.

"Oh, I know that trick. I can do it too. My yoga teacher taught me that. Let me guess it's inside your ear?" Selina asked with confidence.

"No, it's inside your ear." Zatanna smiled mischievously.

"What? That's not possi..." She couldn't complete her sentence as Selina suddenly found the same coin falling out from her right ear.

"Wow. Can you show us another trick?" Selina couldn't help but want to see more magic like the little kid that she was.

"Yeah, sure," Zatanna responded as she scooped some water with both of her hands from the lake and blew into it, instantly turning the entire water in her hands into numerous bubbles.

But that was not the end of the trick. The bubbles then began to project various images on themselves.

"That's my mother." Selina cried out as she quickly tried to touch one of the bubbles only for it to burst the moment she touched it.

Bruce noticed that not only Selina's mother, but the bubbles also had a lot of other different images on them including the image of Giovanni Zatara as well as the late Thomas and Martha Wayne.

"How did you do it?" Selina asked in amazement.

"A magician never reveals her secrets," Zatanna said with a proud smile on her face.

"Then you are a very good magician Zatanna. Your father should be really proud of you." Bruce praised her.

"I hope so, although I think sometimes he just forgets to show it but I cut him some slack since he really just misses my mom. But that still doesn't change the fact that he is a good dad... at least when it counts." Zatanna said as she sadly looked at a bubble that was showing the image of a beautiful young woman, probably her mother.

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