Chapter 58: Fury of the All-Blades

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"I Reject My Humanity, JoJo!"

- Dio, (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood)


<(Omniscient POV)>

Silence, absolute silence. That was what Nyssa was experiencing right now. She didn't feel a hint of pain or burn anywhere in her body from the fire thrown by the Untitled female as she waited with her eyes closed, kneeling in an awkward position while being partially ensnared by multiple rotten bands of bandages. There wasn't even any explosion from the suicide bombing quiver on her back.

... Did it fail?' Nyssa thought as she opened one of her eyes and looked at herself to see if she was still alive or not. To her utter amazement, she was still alive in the same situation she was in a couple of seconds ago.

"Yare yare, I reached just in time I guess. Whoo. Such cool words and yet such a stupid action. Your daddy dearest should have taught you better, princess." A handsome middle-aged teen flicked his non-existent sweat as he chuckled nervously, the screen of his watch displaying just two words, 'Detonation deactivated'.

"BRUCE, what are you doing here? Why in the seven hells are you here? You should have run away. You could have gotten out using me and the explosion as a distraction." Nyssa yelled in worry and anger at her failure to save Bruce and his choice of not running away when he still had the chance.

"Eh? Run away? I think you severely misunderstand how I do stuff princess. I don't run away and hide. No, I might exploit and cheat, maybe even a strategic retreat or two if things are really dire but never run away like a coward." He scoffed as he lazily stretched his arms in preparation for the fight to come.

"The blue-eyed dark-haired boy? You are the one called Bruce Wayne. Interesting, you used a chi-infused kunai to forcibly change the direction of my flame attack. It was so fast that even I almost didn't see it. I guess you are a long-distance fighter, aren't you? Making you one of my dolls wouldn't have been so bad but unfortunately for me and fortunately for you, it's your lucky day. Ra's Al Ghul made it clear to leave you alive. So, you are free to go little lamb even though you just disturbed my playtime." The female Untitled said with a snarl behind her mask.

"Talk of a creep. You remind me of those anime and manga villains for some reason. You and your... siblings should come to Gotham to get a crash course and learn how to act like a first-rate criminal before trying this entire dark magic pedo shenanigan you have got going on here for yourself." He said with a small smirk as he walked closer to Nyssa to check up on her.

"Hey Scarlet, we were told to leave him alive but what if he somehow died accidentally and his body disappears? That's not our fault, right? There are too many wild animals and dangers in the forest for us to keep track of every one of them. Maybe after he dies, we will even find a body that looks similar to him but is missing the face to identify properly. In that case, we can even keep his body as part of our own collection. What do you say, dear sister?" The Untitled-named Dark asked as he released a disgusting sound that sounded like a sloppy lick from under his mask.

"Well, I guess that can happen. Ra's Al Ghul can't blame us in that case. And even if he does..., we will be too powerful after gaining access to the Chamber of All for him to oppose us." The female Untitled completed in a grave and threatening voice making it clear where her loyalties lay.

"Then it seems we have all reached an impasse ladies and... Orochimaru. I guess we have no other civilized way to discuss this anymore... So, let's become a little uncivilized now. You wanted to play right? So let's play." Bruce said with a calm and confident smile as two small, and almost unnoticeable tattoos in the shape of a yin-yang symbol began to glow on both of his hands.

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