Chapter 7: Pinky Promises

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"Knowing what it feels to be in pain, is exactly why we try to be kind to others."



"I am Selina, Selina Kyle." The girl introduced herself.

Bruce couldn't believe that the defenseless little weak and malnourished-looking girl in front of him was Selina Kyle, the future Catwoman of DC. She was not only a master thief and an important character but also the person who would one day be able to steal Batman's or Bruce Wayne's heart.

'Is this the universe's way of telling me that I might finally be able to lose my virginity in this life?' Bruce thought as he looked at Selina with surprised eyes but at the very next moment admonished himself for even thinking lewd stuff about a little girl.

"Hello, Selina. Nice to meet you." Bruce replied with a smile. He didn't want to come off as rude to an important character like her.

*Grooowl* *Growl*

A deep voice suddenly came from Selina's stomach startling both Alfred and Bruce.

"You are mighty hungry, aren't you young lady? Maybe we can treat you to a meal or something...?" Alfred asked as he looked at Bruce through the corner of his eyes to make sure that his young master didn't have a problem against the idea.

"But none of the food places allow me in after seeing my clothes. Some even try to send me back to the orpha..." Selina tried to complain but then suddenly became quiet as she remembered that she shouldn't reveal to them how she had run away from her orphanage.

"You ran away from your orphanage, didn't you?" Bruce gave a small laugh as he looked at Selina who first had a surprised and then a downcast expression on her face thinking that they would either call the cops on her or just force her to return there.

She had escaped from that hellhole with a lot of difficulty and she didn't want to go back there. She was almost on the verge of tears.

"You know what Alfred, I think we had some delicious steak and a bowl of ice cream at home didn't we? It was going to waste anyway, so how about inviting this girl to come and help us finish it up?" Bruce asked looking at Alfred.

The old butler knew what Bruce was trying to do. He himself was empathetic with this girl, so he gave a knowing smile and replied, "Yes indeed we do. I agree with you young master. We do need some help. So how about it little girl, wanna come help us out in finishing the food?"

"Really? Y-You won't send me back or take me away to a bad place, right?" Selina asked already half sold on the idea of accompanying the duo back to their house to eat some tasty food.

"We won't. Promise." Bruce said as he used his little finger to grab hold of Selina's pinky finger in a childish show of promise.

"Then fine, I guess I can accompany you this time." Selina agreed making it seem like she wasn't that eager to go and eat at his home.

Bruce and Alfred then directed Selina to their car which was still parked at the same location and told the driver Jimmy to go back straight to the manor.

Bruce and Selina didn't say anything the entire journey. Alfred had tried to crack open some really bad dad jokes to lighten the awkward atmosphere but sensing an absence of interest in conversation from both the children, he just sighed and became quiet.

"Is this really your home or do you share it with other people?" Selina finally opened her mouth once they entered the gates of the manor.

"Well, it's my family home. And currently, I am the only resident if you don't count Alfred and the other couple of dozen maids and security officials living here. I am an orphan after all." Bruce said with an impassive face.

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