Chapter 111: From Themyscira with Love

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"Not all those who wander are lost."

― Gandalf, (The Fellowship of the Ring)


< {Paradise Islands, aka, Themyscira} >

< (Omniscient POV) >

A certain Amazon was strolling along the beach with an annoyed expression on her face, the cool sea breeze slowly ruffling her beautiful back hair. With each step, irritation simmered out from beneath her composed facade.

"Why don't they understand that I am not a young girl anymore, that I am ready to shoulder my responsibilities? *Sigh* I wish Mother wasn't so adamant in her decisions. Why does she have to treat me like a child all the time? Even Antiope thinks that I am ready to do more than just train all the time." The woman thought dejectedly as her mother's overprotectiveness grated on her nerves, burning a desire in her for greater autonomy in her own life while her teacher's reluctance to assign her more responsibilities only added to fueling her frustration further.

"Wait, what's that?" She muttered after suddenly noticing a huge chunk of steel lying on the sand. It looked like it was a part of some big ship that got destroyed. "Could it be that this thing is perhaps from the world of men?" The woman asked herself curiously as she remembered a few of the outlandish stories that some of her sisters had told her about the giant iron ships that men used to ride in the outside world.

A few seconds of looking at the giant block of iron was all it took for her to lose control of her own curiosity and slowly move toward the wreckage. Her better judgment was telling her to inform her mother about the wreck and bring a few more of her sisters to investigate it instead of taking a risk and doing it alone.

But again, she was never one to be afraid of risks. She knew that if she were to involve anyone else in this and if the news were to spread and reach her mother, she would no longer be allowed to explore the debris that she had herself found. She would lose her only chance to see something from the outside world, even if it is just some ruins. So, she wisely decided against going back and instead advanced towards the rubble to investigate herself.

Approaching the wreckage, she discerned that the fragments of the 'ship' were not just merely fractured but rendered utterly useless and completely inoperable, most probably from recurrent lightning strikes. Certain sections of the wreckage appeared so extensively scorched that one might even speculate this might have incurred the wrath of the gods themselves for some reason. "By Hera, did Zeus himself strike down the ship in his wrath?" She could not help but exclaim.

"What is that strange drumming sound? Wait, Is that... a heartbeat?" She murmured, perplexed by the weak rhythmic throb echoing softly through the air, persisting with an unwavering tenacity.

She was soon able to swiftly discern the source of the sound emanating from deep within the rubble and, without hesitation, began to quickly move the broken pieces of metal in an attempt to unearth the individual. She herself didn't know if she was doing it to save the person's life or just to satisfy her curiosity.

Within moments, she was successful in dislodging the debris with her inhumane strength, revealing the charred form of an unfamiliar figure. While appearing quite 'human' just like her, the being's physique, however, diverged notably from the familiar physical features of her sisters she was used to seeing. It possessed a bulkier physique with very clearly defined muscles and a strangely charming face that seemed to attract her despite how badly it was burnt.

"Is this supposed to be a... man? Hmm, if he is, he doesn't seem to be that dangerous, not even nearly as scary or brutal as Mother described them to be in her stories... However, I wonder what that thing between his legs is." She wondered aloud curiously while thoroughly checking out the man's naked body. "Maybe I can ask him... but going by how badly injured he is, there is little chance he would be recovering anytime soon. Also, I doubt Mother would even agree to spare his life, much less let him inside to let him heal."

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