Chapter 64: Pawns in a Deadly Game

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"Never trust anyone too much; remember, the devil was once an angel"

– Kaneki, (Tokyo Ghoul)


<{Wayne Entertainment & Media HQ, Gotham; 2005}>

<(Omniscient POV)>

"Miss. Vale, I don't think you realize just how amazing a business opportunity this is. The offer that we have from the Glorious Godfrey Broadcasting System company can net us about eighty billion dollars in one fell swoop. Just imagine how pleased Mr. Wayne would be if he got eighty billion dollars for a news business he set up with just a measly two billion dollars a few years ago. This could be one of the biggest and most profitable exits in the American media industry." A sweating fat man sporting a bald head said while nervously rubbing his hands.

"Mr. Morgan, I might be the youngest member of this company and even in this industry but it will be one of the biggest mistakes in your life if you think even for a single second that I do not know what you are trying to do here. Do you think I haven't heard about your secret 'business meetings' with the representatives of GGBS? Let me guess, they offered you a pretty hefty cut if the deal goes through, didn't they?" Vicki Vale, made a disgusted expression as she coldly stared down the man three times her age.

"No... I mean, I only want the best for Wayne Entertainment & Media. I mean the news and magazine division is just a small part of the company. Selling it for such a hefty amount can help in focusing our..."

"Mr. Morgan, perhaps you are forgetting that this company was established as not just a means to earn money but also to strategically support the Wayne brand name itself as well as to help deliver unbiased genuine news to the masses. Furthermore, I think you are overlooking that Bruce neither likes selling his businesses nor leaving his employees at the mercy of others. So, you should think less about selling the company and more about improving it and if you can't, then you are always welcome to leave." Vicki sternly said as she deliberately referenced Bruce by his first name to highlight the fact that she was much closer to the company's owner than him and held a much higher position.

"Hahaha, of course, Miss. Vale. I guess I have grown too old to even suggest this. That's why fresh faces like you are so much appreciated by the company. Anyway, thank you for humoring this old man and giving him some of your precious time HAHA, maybe I should go now before I make any more such stupid decisions today." The old fat man almost dashed out of the room while sweating. The very mention of being fired from the company had scared him way too much even to try to continue to coax his younger boss into accepting the deal.

Miss Vicki Vale or as as many people had secretly started calling her, the Deathly Vale was one of the most successful people in Wayne Solutions' entertainment arm. She was a genius in journalism who after completing her Bachelor's in Mass Media and Communications at the early age of seventeen joined the same company her father was a part of and quickly rose through the ranks.

Presently, she is not only one of the youngest but also one of the most influential people in the Wayne subsidiary, and quite surprisingly to many people, it was not because she was the daughter of the current editor-in-chief of the news division.

Even though she joined as just an ordinary news content writer and reporter, her groundbreaking articles on scams, scandals, and the hidden corruption in Gotham as well as her bold ideas, undaunting voice and unique look on different subjects have quickly pushed her to the top where now she was the youngest board member for Wayne Entertainment & Media and in fact was on her way to becoming the public face of Wayne Entertainment news division.

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