Chapter 24: A magical Birthday (2)

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"The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper."

— W.B. Yeats


"What the fuck?" Bruce couldn't help but curse in surprise.

"Language young master. Your parents would be rolling in their graves if they heard you using that sort of language." Alfred said with some amount of strictness in his voice.

"Sorry," Bruce said a little sheepishly. He had tried to stop cursing as much as he could but moments like these forced his inner angry teenager out of him.

"What I meant to say was what type of name is Zatara? I mean it sounds really corny, also I never heard about them. Are they from a business family or some influential politicians?" Bruce tried to fish for information about anything Alfred might know about the most famous sorcerer family of dc.

"They are not in traditional business or politics. As much as I have heard, they are in the entertainment industry. They do magic shows all over the world. They are quite famous in the craft too." Alfred informed Bruce.

"Oh, I see." Bruce didn't stretch the conversation more and just silently continued to walk with Alfred toward the room where the Zatana members were waiting.

As the duo entered the room, Bruce finally saw the man who is supposed to be a legendary magician of dc and his daughter, an equally legendary sorceress with reality-defying magic powers.

"Ah Bruce, you have grown bigger than the last time I saw you." The middle-aged magician sporting a well-groomed mustache and wearing a suit got up from his seat and approached Bruce to shake his hands.

"Uh, sorry but I got amnesia after my accident. Please do forgive me but I can't seem to remember you or anyone else for that reason." Bruce used his go-to excuse as he showed a confused expression on his face.

"Yeah, I heard. But you don't have to worry about it now. I believe I can help you with that. By the way just to remind you, I am Giovanni Zatara and that is my daughter Zatanna Zatara." Giovanni said as he took a peek at his daughter.

"Wayne, Bruce Wayne. But I think you already knew that. As for helping me, can I ask how and why you would help me?" Bruce asked, with a doubtful expression.

"One simple word, magic." Giovanni wiggled his fingers in the air like he was trying to make a two-year-old believe in magic.

'Shit.' Bruce thought in his mind since he knew that if Giovanni were to use his magic on him, there was a very good chance that he would find out that he was not the real Bruce Wayne but a different soul in Bruce's body. Hell, the magician might even try to exorcise him thinking of him as a body-possessing demon or something.

So he could not let him use any sort of mind or soul magic on him until and unless he is sure that he got the mandatory security against mind and soul attacks that all other transmigrators receive, or at least until he made something to protect his mind from outside influence.

'All those inventions and I never bothered to make some sort of mind shield. I really don't deserve to be a transmigrator.' He thought as he quickly began to search for some possible and believable excuses in his mind to stop Zatara from using any sort of magic on him.

"I am joking of course. I actually received some training in physical therapy from a spiritual guru when I went to Bali for one of my shows. I think I can use that knowledge to try and get your memories back through hypnotism and relaxing meditation." Zatara smiled and gave him a reason that Bruce didn't believe for even a single second.

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