Chapter 89: A Falcon's Soiree & A Cat's Revenge (2)

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"I believe when life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade...and try to find someone whose life has given them vodka, and have a party."

― Ron White


<(Bruce Wayne POV)>

"This was definitely not the type of party I was expecting," I muttered to myself in an almost inaudible voice as I and Selina entered the most famous nightclub in Gotham, the Iceberg Lounge.

The club was like any other I have ever seen in both of my lives and reminded me of the astonishing amount of money that the elites of Gotham possessed. The city of Gotham was more or less the equivalent of New York and Chicago for the DC multiverse and was very wealthy due to the healthy industries supporting it but the unfortunate thing about the city was that this wealth was only held by the top elites and not by the commoners or the lower sections of society.

Nevertheless, as I was saying, the club itself wasn't my problem, nor were the scores of reporters and paparazzi standing outside the club in hopes of getting a single picture of the individuals attending the party tonight. No, the main problem was the type of 'party' that was going on inside the lounge.

The place was a paradise for pleasure seekers. From elite hookers and exotic drugs to masked dominatrices and strange bdsm devices put on display with live subjects even testing some of them out, it was the wet dream of every hedonist. The nightclub was much more... debaucherous than what might have been shown in movies, shows, or even in comics. At least, that was the case for the section of the nightclub me and Selina were led to, which was the more premium section of the club.

The public area of the nightclub that the ordinary people were allowed in had a lot of those things as well but the level was nowhere close to the premium section where Falcon had called his main guests.

"Well, Alfred did tell us that this would not be the type of party that we normally see in movies and shows. People don't play beer pong after getting drunk here. They instead have orgies, make million-dollar drug deals, and other such fucked-up shit." Selina whispered back after she heard my comment. "But, I am pretty sure that you aren't regretting coming here, are you? Not with so many hot women out here showing off their cleavage in public. Most of them even seem to enjoy you checking them out" Selina laughed as she gestured to all the half-nude waitresses and rich heiresses who seemed to be more interested in me than their husbands and boyfriends.

I didn't try to deny it since it was true. The moment we entered the nightclub, people seemed more interested in me and Selina than anything else that the club was offering here. With everyone seeking peeks and glances at us every once in a while, I guessed that our enhanced looks and perfect bodies are pretty attractive even in this world of higher-than-average beauty standards.

By wearing a navy blue tailored suit and a limited edition sapphire Patek Philippe watch on my wrist, I had attracted the attention of most of the women here along with some of the men.

However, the women throwing glances at me at least pretended to hide their interest, although I could sense their curiosity and arousal for me from a mile away as they looked for an opening to approach me. Still, I gave them none.

The men, however, had no such restraint. They ogled Selina with undisguised lust, drawn to the sleek sleeveless black dress that perfectly hugged her curves. She was a vision of elegance and allure without even needing to show too much skin, unlike the other women here who wore garish and skimpy outfits that only screamed desperation. Both Selina and I stood out from the crowd, and we both knew it.

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