Diary entry 2

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April 27, 2018

Dear Diary,

Today, I met him again. Kim Taehyung. His laughter is infectious, and his smile lights up my world like the stars in the night sky. I can't help but feel drawn to him, as if our souls have been intertwined across time. He has a way of making everything feel right, like coming home after a long journey.

Fate has a curious way of orchestrating the most unexpected encounters. Today, my heart experienced a whirlwind of emotions as I crossed paths with Kim Taehyung once again, and this time, it was entirely by accident.

As the days passed since that fateful meeting, I had tried my best to bury my feelings for Taehyung beneath layers of professionalism. I focused on my work, attempting to keep my emotions in check, reminding myself that he was the boss's son, and any possibility of more was merely wishful thinking.

But fate had other plans. Today, a week after our first meeting, Taehyung visited the office again. His presence brought a mix of excitement and anxiety that I couldn't suppress. I yearned to see him and, at the same time, dreaded the effect he had on my heart.

As the office buzzed with activity during his visit, I tried to keep a low profile, keeping my distance to avoid any awkwardness. However, destiny had different intentions. While engrossed in my work, I turned a corner without glancing up and ended up colliding with someone.

To my astonishment, it was Taehyung! Our eyes met, and I felt an electric current surge through my veins. His face lit up with a smile that could rival the sun, and my heart skipped a beat. "Jungkook, right?" he said warmly, with a hint of familiarity in his voice.

My cheeks flushed, and I managed to stammer out a response, "Yes, that's me. Sorry for bumping into you."

He laughed lightly, brushing it off with a dismissive wave. "No worries at all! It was my fault too. Are you doing okay?"

I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks, trying to steady my voice as I replied, "Yes, I'm fine. Just caught up with work, you know how it is."

He nodded understandingly, and for a moment, time seemed to slow down as we stood there, engrossed in each other's eyes. I wanted to say so much, to tell him how much I admired him, but the words remained trapped in my throat.

Soon, he excused himself, but not before flashing that radiant smile once more. My heart swelled with both joy and a tinge of sadness as I watched him walk away. It was a brief encounter, but it left a profound impact on me.

Diary, I find myself entangled in a web of emotions, unsure of how to navigate this newfound affection. Taehyung's presence has the power to both brighten and torment my heart, and I am left with more questions than answers.

For now, I'll continue to keep my feelings to myself, cherishing these fleeting moments we share, even if they are just accidental encounters. Perhaps, in the grand tapestry of life, destiny has woven our paths together for a reason.

Until the next twist of fate,



They talked!! Yayyyyy!!!

Why am i so excited by the way? Uh....u don't forget to vote and comment 😘😘

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