Diary entry 15

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September 3,2018

Dear Diary,

I can hardly believe what just happened. Today, in the printing room of all places, Taehyung cornered me, and my heart went on a rollercoaster ride of emotions. I was sneakily trying to distract myself with a phone call when Taehyung approached me, snatching my phone away and leaving me stunned. The hurt and anger in his eyes struck me like a lightning bolt, sending a pang straight to my heart.

He asked, with such intensity, why I was ignoring him. My first instinct was to step back, away from the proximity that made my heart ache even more. But the walls behind me left me with no escape, and I had no choice but to talk to him.

"I'm not ignoring you," I lied, averting my gaze to shield my bleeding heart and crying soul. How could I answer him truthfully? How could I tell him that I love him, that I'm jealous of his boyfriend, that I want to call him mine? It would only complicate things, and I don't want to burden him with my emotions.

"Why won't you look at me, then?" Taehyung asked, his words like a tornado snatching away my resolve. I wanted to embrace him, take away the pain in his eyes, but my own hurt kept me lifeless. I couldn't let him see my feelings, not when he loved someone else.

But Taehyung wasn't letting me off the hook that easily. He held my hand, and my heart raced at his touch. "What if I don't let you go?" he asked, and a part of me felt frustrated by his stubbornness. Why couldn't he just let some things go unsaid? It would be better for both of us.

I tried to protest again, but Taehyung's question broke the dam holding back my feelings. "Taehyung! If I spend one more moment with you, I'll lose my sanity!" I blurted out, unable to contain the overwhelming torrent of emotions.

I couldn't keep it inside anymore. It was hurting me but that was okay but the thing is, my silence was hurting him.... And i couldn't take it

''I will end up telling you how much I love you. How I have loved you from the very first day I saw you. I don't want you to know that I am jealous of your boyfriend, Taehyung. I hate it when he look at you, when he touch you, when you laugh at something he says, when you hug him... I hate it so much that I want to snatch you from him and keep you hidden in my arms forever'' I know Diary, I was also thinking the same that it was not meant to be said but he was standing there, looking at me like that.

His gaze make me feel week.

It was not the only thing I told him. I know I was being crazy when I said ''I know you don't love me and I am not blaming you for it. We don't have a control over our heart. It loves whom it want to love. You are not obliged to reciprocate my feelings but please, stay away from me. I am trying to dig my feelings for you under the layers of sadness and loneliness. Just do me a Favour and make it easy for me...Please!''

I didn't know from where I got the courage. Had it been some other day, I would have lied, faked a smile and walked away but maybe my love for Taehyung was not some temporary affection. I wanted him to be mine. I hated how someone else was getting to call Taehyung as his.

I seriously love Kim Taehyung so much.

The word love is not enough to define what I feel for him.

I thought he will be mad at me. Yell at me for thinking something as stupid as him and me being together or slap me for raising my voice at him. Or maybe just walk away from there and never look at me again but then, something unimaginable happened. Taehyung's eyes lit up, and a smile played on his lips.

The happiness dancing in his eyes and his beautiful smile confused me. I thought I was was seeing things. Why would Taehyung be happy listening to what I said? I was still lost in thoughts when he asked something that I never imagined. ''Who said I don't love you?'' His question caught me off guard. My mind stopped working and heart ran a marathon. What could that mean? Why Taehyung was smiling? Why were there happy tears in Taehyung beautiful eyes?

My mind couldn't process what was happening, but before I knew it, Taehyung kissed me, right there in the printing room. It was like the sun had pierced through the dark clouds in my heart, and my soul wasn't crying anymore.

For a moment, I was still. It was the most beautiful feeling ever. Taehyung's lips on my shaking ones. I felt like it had rained heavily on the desert of my heart, like the sun has came up departing the curtain of cloud. My soul wasn't crying anymore and the next moment, I was kissing him with equal fervor trying my best to convey my feelings for him through that innocent kiss.

"I do love you, Jungkook," he confessed, and my heart soared to the heavens. I kissed him back with all the love I had been hiding, trying to convey my feelings through that innocent, magical kiss.

I never thought this day would come, that my love wouldn't be unrequited. Taehyung loves me, and I feel like I've won the world. It's like the universe aligned, granting my deepest wish. I'm elated, Diary, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.

With a heart full of love and joy,



Hooraayyyy!!! They confessed 😍

Why am I feeling butterflies???

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