Diary entry 3

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April 30, 2018

Dear Diary,

These past three days have been a rollercoaster of emotions, and today, my heart found itself teetering on the edge of sheer euphoria and nervousness. I was at the company's cafe, sipping on my coffee, lost in my thoughts about Taehyung, when fate decided to play its hand once more.

As I sat there, contemplating my feelings for Taehyung, I couldn't help but wonder if I was being foolish, allowing my heart to drift towards someone so seemingly unattainable. Yet, I couldn't deny the joy that washed over me whenever I thought of him, and how my day seemed brighter just knowing he was around.

Lost in my reverie, I barely noticed when someone approached my table until I heard a familiar voice say, "Mind if I join you, Jungkook?"

It was Taehyung, standing there with that same enchanting smile. My heart skipped several beats, and I quickly tried to compose myself before replying, "Oh, not at all. Please, have a seat."

He took the chair opposite me, and I couldn't help but marvel at how easily his presence filled the space, making everything feel warmer and brighter. "What are you thinking about so deeply?" he asked, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

I mustered a small smile, attempting to appear nonchalant, though my heart was going berserk with happiness at the mere fact that he was sitting with me. "Oh, just work stuff and upcoming projects," I said, not wanting to reveal the truth of what was truly on my mind.

We engaged in light conversation, talking about work and some of our shared interests. We have so many things in common. His favourite colour is Grey, mine is too... just keep it a secret that i didn't know what my favourite colour was before today... okay?

He loves music, I do too but our taste in music is totally different. He loves calm music and cools songs while me? Well....My favourite music is his giggles. He is extrovert unlike me but it only makes him more likeable. Maybe that's what my shy self needs the most at the moment.

He is also very fond of playing games. When he said that we should go to arcade together sometime, I felt like i was flying in air.

Will it be counted as a date?

We share the same liking for coding. He loves to play with numbers, as he said this, he didn't know he was playing with my heart. It was dancing to the beats of his voice.

I tried my best to act normal, but deep down, I felt a whirlwind of emotions threatening to spill over. Every time he laughed or brushed his hair back, I found myself captivated, hanging on to every word he said.

As we talked, I noticed how genuinely kind and easy-going Taehyung was, despite his background and status. He treated me like any other coworker, and that made my heart flutter even more. He was so approachable, and I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, he saw me as more than just an employee.

Before I knew it, time slipped away, and we both had to return to our respective duties. As he got up to leave, he flashed that breathtaking smile one last time, saying, "It was nice talking to you, Jungkook. Let's do this again sometime."

My heart soared with delight at the thought of another chance encounter, and I managed to respond with a somewhat composed, "Yeah, sure, anytime."

And so, Diary, here I am, feeling like the luckiest person on earth after this unexpected coffee chat with Kim Taehyung. I'll cherish this memory close to my heart, hoping that our paths continue to intertwine in the days to come.

Until then, I'll keep my emotions in check and enjoy the small moments, as I navigate this beautiful yet uncertain journey of feelings.

With hopeful excitement,



Just because I am updating super fast doesn't mean you can get away without commenting.

Tell me what you think is going to happen next. Taehyung being a son of rich man of Korea and Jungkook being a mere employee of his company.

What do you think destiny has in store for them.?

Don't forget to vote. Take care. Love you all .. see ya soon!!

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