Diary entry 10

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August 5, 2018

Dear Diary,

The day started with so much excitement and happiness as the news spread throughout the office – our company is organizing a short trip to Busan next week! My heart skipped a beat at the mere thought of returning to my hometown after months of being away. I can already picture the joy on my parents' faces when they see me.

The anticipation of seeing my family, walking through the familiar streets of Busan, and reliving cherished memories filled me with giddy feelings. I couldn't help but count down the days until the trip. It felt like a much-needed break, a chance to recharge my soul with the love and warmth of home.

But as the day progressed, my excitement was overshadowed by a sense of dread and heartache. I overheard a casual conversation in the office, and it hit me like a ton of bricks – Taehyung's boyfriend would be joining us on the trip.

I tried to hide my disappointment, my jealousy, but the mere thought of seeing them together during what was supposed to be a joyous occasion made my heart ache. It's like the universe was playing a cruel joke on me, putting me in a situation where my heart's desires clashed with the reality of Taehyung being with someone else.

The rest of the day was a struggle. I couldn't muster a genuine smile as I usually do. Instead, I excused myself, needing a few moments of solitude to gather my emotions. I found a quiet corner and allowed myself to feel the pain, to let the tears fall freely.

It's hard to explain the depth of my feelings for Taehyung. He has become someone so special in my life, and watching him with someone else is tearing me apart inside. I wish I could be happy for him, to support him in his happiness, but my heart feels too heavy with unspoken words.

I know I can't blame Taehyung for my feelings, nor can I expect him to see me in a way that he doesn't. But the jealousy and heartbreak are hard to bear, and I wish there was a way to make it all go away.

As the days count down to the trip, I'm torn between the excitement of going back to Busan and the anxiety of facing my emotions. I want to enjoy the trip and spend time with my colleagues, but I fear that my heart will betray me in Taehyung's presence.

I'll try to find solace in the time spent with my family, to cherish the moments of happiness amidst the ache in my heart. Maybe, in the embrace of my loved ones, I can find the strength to navigate through these conflicting emotions.

With a heavy heart and hope for healing,



Why that shortie has to Join them?? I wonder who that shortie is!!!

Anyways.... Do votes and comments. I'll see you : )

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