Chapter 2 Part 1

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Chapter 2 part 1


He lifted up the hero in a circle of his power and began pulling him around, away from who he could only assume was some of Guzantee's men.

The hell am I helping the damn hero for anyways

The villain thought bitterly as he moved the hero into a side route and around another corner, hiding him from the other men.

He released the hero from his container and ducked down on the roof he was on. The hero must know it was the villain who helped him, who else had powers like that?

The hero looked around in circles, behind nearby barrels and trash cans, up on rooftops, around the nearest corner, all to no avail.

When the hero stopped searching the villain peeked further off the roof again, getting ready to retreat back to his house.


The villain looked back down at the hero, who had made the quiet sound.

He had been positive the hero wasn't shot, but was proven wrong seeing how the hero could barely put pressure on one leg and noticing the blood running down his calf for the first time.

He mumbled a few curses under his breath. There was no way he was going to use his powers to help the hero again.

"Alright you damn hero, I'll make sure you're safe then I'm done with the favors"

He spoke below a whisper. Only a bug flying by his mouth could've heard what he said.

The hero slowly stumbled around before seeing the open sidewalk and slowly stumbling even more trying to get to it. The villain signed a long and annoyed sigh. Good thing he didn't have plans for the rest of the night.

The villain followed the hero for a good thirty minutes, watching him limp and wince, hearing him grunt and whine. It was truly pathetic.

The hero walked straight on the same sidewalk the whole time until he suddenly turned into a dead end alley. Hardly an alley really, more of a gap between buildings.

The hero removed his mask and the villain, who was no longer on the rooftops, gasped louder than he would've liked.

He ducked behind the corner and slowly peeked back a moment later. The hero must be in a lot of pain or just thinking hard about something because he didn't even notice the noisy villain behind him.

The villain didn't know the man. He was sure of it— though he didn't know hardly anyone in this city anyway. But for some reason he was just very.. familiar? The villain shook away the feeling and went back to focusing only on the hero.

The hero put on some dress pants and a white button up over his suit and turned around quickly.

The villain was now on strike two of almost being seen by the hero, just narrowly ducking behind the corner again before the hero saw him.

"Shit" the villain mumbled while trying to breathe as quiet as possible. It proved hard to breathe quietly when trying to breathe quietly.

The hero was now walking out of the gap-in-between-buildings and continued in the same direction down the sidewalk.

To the villains relief the hero didn't walk for too long before turning to a house and dragging himself up the concrete stairs of the porch.

The hero paused for a moment, making the villain silently question just about everything.

Is this not his house? Is there someone else who lives here? Why would he hesitate to go in his own house for no reason? The questions when on and on.

After an agonizingly slow 10 seconds the hero turns the doorknob and opens the door as if he's trying desperately not to be noticed. He opened it slowly, pausing every time the door made a creek. Once the door was open enough he slipped inside. He glanced around the house before closing the door behind him.

For some odd reason the villain didn't want to leave. He wanted to go in. He wanted to see why the hero was hesitant on going in. The thing that puzzled him most was that he wanted to help the hero with his would and care for him until he knew the hero was okay.

It wasn't long until the villain realized he was just standing on the sidewalk and if he was noticed he was a dead man. He sighed and ducked into a pretty much abandoned alley that he knew led in the direction of his apartment.

On the way back to his home he removed his mask, hat, and hoodie. He turned the hoodie inside out, hiding the white laces around it, before tying it around his waist.

The villain didn't have a fancy suit or design like the hero did. He was simply known by his plain black hoodie with bright white laces going down the arms, around the hood, and around the bottom of the hoodie.

Matias wondered a few times how nobody else just so happened to have the same hoodie and got in trouble for it, but he had bought it back in his home town many years ago, so maybe that explains it?

The villain laughed silently to himself thinking at the history of the jacket that everyone has grown to hate.

He had bought the original hoodie when he was probably a teenager, and his uncle thought it was hideous! It became a joke around his family how he would wear that jacket to events and his uncle would just shit on it all day long. It was a nice joke because his parents weren't very tight knit with the rest of the family so there weren't any other jokes Matias could really engage in.

Eventually he had grown out of the hoodie and his uncle managed to find the same exact hoodie and bought five in his size and five in the size above!

Matias moved away a year later, but he brought every single one of the jackets with him. It's a miracle only one of them has been ruined considering how much he fights and goes around being reckless with them.

He laughed to himself once more before realizing he had made it all the way back to his apartment already. He stared at for a second trying to figure out how he was already there before heading inside.

It should be a 20 minute walk from what he now knew was the heroes house back to his, but he got wildly lost in thought, arriving in what felt like only 5 short minutes.

He didn't bother changing out of his sweaty t-shirt or black jeans before jumping into bed.

Matias wasn't the type to sleep fully clothed, but he was sure he would pass out the second he laid down.

Much to his surprise, he ended up laying down for over thirty minutes lost in thought. Why did the hero's face seem so familiar? He only knew a few people in the city so he would immediately know if it was a friend or even a friend of a friend.

Another thing was, why was he so hesitant and quiet going into his house? He could have a wife or girlfriend who lives with him. Or maybe he lives with a sibling, cousin, friend, something.

Matias sighed and sat up, every ounce of sleep leaving his body. He had lived alone for so long as the villain he had just assumed the hero lived the same way. Not just that but he had been so puzzled by just the though that maybe, just maybe, the hero isn't as lonely as he is.

All his powers have ever done is scare others away, so why does the hero have a family and a life when he has similar powers?

He climbed out of his bed and splashed his face with water from his bathroom sink. He hated when he got like this. All he would do is sulk and waste his time being angry at the world.

He pulled off his shirt and made his way back to his room to change out of his jeans. He threw his t-shirt and jeans in the floor and put on a clean pair of shorts.

He gave his bed no more than a glance before leaving his bedroom and entering the kitchen. He made a pathetic attempt in cleaning, trying to take his mind off of things, before quickly giving up and fishing in a drawer and pulling out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.

He found himself in his bedroom again, sitting on the carpet in front of the door. He lit his cigarette, gave it a few puffs, and stared up at the ceiling.

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