Chapter 15 part 2

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Chapter 15 part 2


There was no way he could hold out longer, but every thought in his mind was telling him to stay by Matias's side.

However, he kept moving away from the fight anyways. In all reality, what could he do? He could barely walk and his whole body had gotten a weird tingling after he over used his powers while fighting the new villain.

Samuel didn't know what Matias was planning, he was actually fairly sure that he didn't have a plan, but he'd just have to trust him.

Crashes came from behind him and he heard Matias grunt multiple times. If Samuel couldn't beat her, Matias shouldn't be able to either. His heart sped up with worry, but he didn't turn back

His knees buckled repeatedly and his vision had gone hazy. Not to mention he was doing his best to stay as far away from the bloody mess made from the explosion.

After multiple minutes of walking he finally made his way into the nearest alley that wasn't completely demolished. He glanced behind him, assuring that the new villain couldn't see where he was going, and then entered the dirty path.

He put a hand on the brick wall, dragging his body further back. He ducked behind a dumpster that was nearby, knowing that his body couldn't handle any more walking.

He slid his back down the wall, the bricks scratching him on the way down.

All of the sudden it was like his world was upside down. His vision might as well have been completely gone and his ears were ringing so loud he could be considered deaf. His whole head was pounding in a way that he had never even imagined before.

All of the recent events snapped into place. Matias was here and he was fighting the new villain. And what's worse is that the villain wasn't fighting the new villain. Matias was. He had no mask on and everyone must be watching the news right now. Not to mention the cameras must've seen where Samuel had just gone.

And then, as fast as they had came, his thoughts left. It was like he forgot how to think, his mind going blank. He was just sitting there, huffing in order to get his breaths in and out.

More crashes came from the fight that was only around the corner. The loud sounds made his head pound even more.

His eyes began to shut and his breathing slowed almost to a stop. There was only one thought in his mind. He was dying.

He barely, just barely, managed to collect a few of his thoughts.

His gash on his stomach was still pouring out blood into the concrete. He pulled up his arms that were still weak from his fight and sat his hands down on his stomach. He put as much pressure on the wound as he could, but his muscles felt like they were broken.

And then, there was silence. The grunts and crashes from Matias and the new villain were gone and the only thing he could hear was the many drones and helicopters that were flying around.

For multiple long seconds Samuel had thought his hearing was gone. He didn't know how these kind of injuries could affect someone, but maybe he was in so much distress he lost his hearing.

But then he heard footsteps. Fast paced, inconsistent footsteps.

Samuel listened as the sound got further, then came back close. They repeated that pattern multiple times like the person was looking for something.

Samuel could do nothing but hope that the feet belonged to Matias and not someone much, much worse.

After a few more minutes of the footsteps running around and Samuel fighting to stay awake, the person turned into the alley where Samuel was sitting.

But Samuel was already completely out of it. His eyes refused to focus, making him space out at whatever was closest. The pain from all his wounds caught up to him and his breathing was slow, painfully slow.

A large cut in his leg caused his muscle to tense and relax uncomfortably and he became aware of every small injury through his body. The only thing he didn't feel was the huge bloody pool that covered his stomach.

"Samuel" a familiar voice whisper-yelled

Samuel glanced up only enough to see up to the knees of the person standing before him. But he didn't need to see the rest anyways, he knew who it was.

Matias bent down in front of Samuel, no more than a foot in front of him.

Samuel wanted to scream and hug Matias as tight as he could. He wanted to tell him that he was an idiot and that he loved him more than anything. But he couldn't.

"Can you hear me? Samuel?" Matias whispered gently, looking deep into Samuels eyes.

His vision was still blurry and all his senses seemed to be blocked off, but Matias just being there made him feel much better about it.

However, that isn't how life works. One person showing up doesn't make everything better. Especially not when you're in this kind of situation.

Matias's hands roamed around Samuels wound panicked. Samuel could just barely make out Matias's eyes, which were flashing up and down from the injury up to his face.

"Mat" Samuel trembled.

Matias stopped for a second after hearing Samuels voice, but then continued to put pressure on the wound, doing his best to stop the blood.

Samuel raised each of his arms, shaking even from the simple task. He dropped his arms back down, his hands on top of Matias's.

"I'll" he paused "be okay" he just barely managed to get out, his voice brittle.

Matias stopped moving his hands and looked up into Samuels unfocused eyes, but he didn't lift the pressure he was putting on the slash.

"I promise" Samuel continued, gaining the tiniest ounce of confidence

He picked up one of his hands and curled in all but one of his fingers. He left his pinky out, offering it to Matias.

"no.." Matias mumbled

"pl.. please" Samuel pressed, holding his trembling hand up higher.

Matias didn't say anything else, but he lifted one of his hands off the wound. Each of their hands were coated in a thick layer of blood, but they paid it no mind.

"You promise?" Matias asked, his voice cracking anxiously

"Pinky promise" Samuel said, his voice suddenly steadying for no more than a second.

The two sat there with their pinkies locked, looking into the others eyes. Even in a situation like this Samuel couldn't help himself from getting butterflies like a school girl.

That was until he looked just slightly away from Matias's eyes and back down at the blood that was all over the both of them.

For the first time he noticed a large cut in Matias's arm, but Matias seemed completely unbothered.

Then, like it had never left, that awful feeling was back. The feeling of all the tiny cuts and bruises through his body aching and his ears producing a painful ringing sound. His eyes grew heavier and heavier until he was sure he couldn't hold them open much longer.

But he couldn't pass out. Not yet.

With the few seconds he had he did something he wasn't sure if he'd regret.


A bit of a short chapter, but I think it gets the point across :)

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