Chapter 4 part 1

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Chapter 4 part 1


Being upset while walking though paths full of people who want you dead is certainly not a good idea. Especially when you're like Matias.

Every time Matias gets angry, he will always become irrational and will stop paying attention to his surroundings.

As a kid he almost got hit by a car because he was too upset to check the road properly. It was an issue that he refused to address.

Matias was now about halfway back to his home. It was getting colder now and he had to resist every urge to put on his hoodie and pull his arms into his shirt. Chill bumps went all the way up his arms and made the hairs on the stand up.

Between the cold and his anger, Matias was too distracted to notice the group of 5 people following him through the alley.

Matias only had about a quarter of the way left when he hear a loud bang. Before he could turn around or do anything do defend himself a bullet went clean through his arm, just below his elbow, and there was a woman jumping onto his back. Any normal person would think the lady was a psycho. She pulled at Matias's hair and kicked all around all while her legs were either holding her up by his waist or her arms were supporting her while around his neck.

Either way, Matias had to get her off. The girl didn't weigh much, but she was fast and sprawling around all over him. He tried to grab her over and over with no results other than a long thin scratch across his cheek from her nails grabbing onto him.

He had to make up a quick idea and act on it fast, he turned where his back, with the girl still on it, was facing the nearest brick wall. He shifted his weight forward and then immediately pushed back as hard as he could. The adrenaline added some strength as the girl smacked straight into the brick wall. Matias was just trying to get her off but she must've hit her head because she knocked out on the ground. Her whole body limp while sitting up like a teenager who fell asleep doing homework.

The four other people, who had just been laughing and enjoying the show, were now running after Matias as he went in circles and around corners trying to get them off his tail.

He twisted and turned running through every possible route, but it was to no avail.

One of the four must've caught onto his pattern because when Matias turned a corner he was right there, waiting with a knife in his hand. The other three had stopped behind Matias and all had their hands on their weapons. Two of them wielding knives and the other a gun.

"Whatcha gonna do now pretty boy?" The one in front of him teased.

Matias racked his brain for an idea. Something, any idea at all, but got nothing. He heard the gun load behind him and began to turn around.

"Don't move! You move and I'll kill you here and now!" The man with a gun shouted. It was obvious he didn't get to give orders often and was getting a disgusting kick out of it.

Matias remained a statue, not daring to move in the slightest. He was painfully aware that it was no empty threat. One move and his head would be blown clean off. He looked around, only looking at what he could see without turning his head.

The man in front of him had lowered his knife. He had let his guard down. The way he was facing was the fastest route to get out of the alley, but went in the opposite direction of Matias' apartment.

The other two people walked in front of him, one a woman and one another man. The woman was tall and muscular. The type of look you'd expect from someone in this situation. However, the man was short and a little chubby. He couldn't be taller than 5'6 and didn't look intimidating in the slightest. Matias was sure he could outrun all three of them.

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