Chapter 24 part 2

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Chapter 24 part 2


The walk back to his room felt much easier than the one there had. It was like a burden had been lifted off his back, and weights around his ankles had been removed.

His heart was pattering sweetly and all the pain in his body didn't feel so bad anymore.

Suddenly, he was sure that no matter what Guzantee, the new villain, or anyone else threw at them, they'd be okay.

The walk felt shorter as well. He lost himself in his thoughts while walking, and within a few short moments Officer Hinton was opening the door to his room, allowing him to go to his own bed.

His body still hurt and it still made him feel partly miserable, of course, but he could at least rest assured that Matias was okay.

When he sat down on the bed a rush of relief went down his legs. He tried to adjust himself before anything else, but Officer Hinton's voice interrupted.

"Can you give a rundown of what happened from when you were.. attacked, I presume, to when we found you?" He asked, becoming professional and even a bit stiff.

Samuel nodded, but didn't say a word. He tried to think of how to start, what words to say, but struggled to come up with anything.

"Were you attacked by the new villain after I had let you leave back to your house?" The officer interrupted, noticing Samuels hesitation.

Samuel nodded slowly.

Officer Hinton pulled out the familiar notepad and a pen. He scribbled down a few words before glancing back up at Samuel.

"And how did that interaction go? Was there a fight?" He continued to question.

Samuel took a moment to think before saying anything.

"She was just around a corner, I almost ran into her." He spoke dryly. "She used her powers, at first at least. I couldn't see anything but red for a bit. When her powers left though, she only used her fists"

Samuel tried to give as much detail as he could, but struggled to recall certain things.

"I know I managed to hit her in the cheek.. with my powers" he continued slowly.

The officer made a face, but only continued to write on his notepad, not saying a word.

"Then.. I don't remember. I'm sure she knocked me out and dragged me to where the police found me. Other than that, I'm not sure"

Officer Hinton made another face, writing a bit more before looking up at Samuel.

"You used your powers? I thought you were too weak to use them?"

Samuel looked around the room for no particular reason. He vaguely remembered telling a doctor that he was unable to use his powers, which was undoubtedly the truth.

"I was. I don't know, it was probably just the adrenaline, I got really lightheaded afterwards" he explained quickly.

Officer Hinton nodded again, the action beginning to irritate Samuel, though he knew he was being irrational.

"That's understandable. Do you remember anything after you were knocked out? Did you wake up at any point?" He asked slowly.

"Yeah" Samuel mumbled.

He did remember waking up, but what happened while he was awake was a slight blur. He remembered talking to Guzantee and, as annoying as it was, he remembered what they talked about. He remembered taking some kind of pills, and then his memory went.. blank. Mostly at least.

He didn't tell all of that to Officer Hinton though. Instead, he gave a much simpler story.

"I remember waking up, and them giving me some pills. That's all I know"

The officer hummed and wrote some more.

"What kind of pills?" He asked, eyes still on the paper.

"I don't remember" Samuel answered lazily.

"Color? Size? Shape?" Officer Hinton continued to ask.

Samuel could feel his heart rate pick up and it was clear he was getting unnecessarily angry, but wasn't sure why. He knew the officer was only doing his job. Hell, he wasn't even doing it badly. So why was he so irritated?

"I told you I don't remember." He repeated, his voice louder and his tone sharper.

Officer Hinton looked up, but said nothing. He closed the notepad subtly and stuffed it, along with the pen, back into a pocket. All the while his face kept the same nearly blank expression.

"We can finish my questions another time. Have you got any questions? About the villain? About the public? The court case?" He asked calmly.

Samuel felt his heart slow and the anger leave his mind. He hated how childish he knew he was being with his emotions, but couldn't help it.

"Don't call him that" Samuel spoke sternly, but not angrily.

Officer Hinton looked at him with a look of curiosity.

"Don't call him the villain. He's not a villain" he continued.

The officer nodded, but Samuel wasn't done.

"I mean, why is anyone even still calling him the villain anymore? Him saving my ass was live on the news and he's the one who brought me into this hospital in the first place. I'd be dead if not for him" Samuel snapped.

He watched as Officer Hinton took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a quick second.

"The public isn't exactly sure how to feel about him at the moment. We haven't released any of the information on his innocence yet, so they only saw him save you" he explained just over a whisper. "But other than that, I'm not sure what else we should call him. By his real name?"

Samuel looked down at his hands, feeling guilt pinch at his stomach.

"I don't know. Just.. not 'the villain'. It sounds so.. cruel. Insulting" he pondered.

Officer Hinton nodded. "I'll ask him the next time I go to his room"

Samuel nodded back.

It was quiet for a minute. Then a few minutes. Eventually Samuel realized that Officer Hinton wasn't going to speak up and that he was going to have to break the silence himself.

"When will the court be?" He mumbled.

"Depends" Officer Hinton began. "We have to get all of our witnesses together, get lawyers for you and.. him, find an unbiased judge, somehow, and a whole more list of things" he explained in a sigh.

"Sounds like a lot of work" Samuel stated, trying his best to avoid any more silences.

"Yeah" the officer responded blandly.

Samuel glanced up at the officer who was staring down at the bed. He noticed for the first time the purple-ish eye bags that had begun to carve themselves into his face and the pale, tiredness that washed over him. He started to realize how often the officer was with him and Matias, and how little he was at his home, sleeping.

"I don't think I have any more questions" he ended, though he knew he had a million already piling up in his head.

Officer Hinton nodded, again.

"Then I suppose I'll see you when I can" he said, turning towards the door.

"I'll be back tomorrow if you think of anything. Goodbye"

Samuel smiled ever so slightly. He didn't know where the officer was going now, but he hoped it was home.



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