Chapter 18 part 2

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Chapter 18 part 2


For the second time Samuel was woken up in bright, clean hospital. Machines were still beeping and there were still people shouting words outside that Samuel couldn't even try to give the definition of.

Even with all the obvious indicators of where he was though, he still took a second to remember. To realize that he was a patient.

He started to think he might have a concussion, but surely the doctors already checked for that. He must just still be in shock from the last few days.

"Hero" the bald officer, who he hadn't really noticed yet, spoke up.

His voice was stern and serious. It made Samuel feel like he was about to get lectured like he would with his mother as a kid.

Samuel hummed in response, not knowing if his voice would work.

He noticed only one doctor messing with some kind of medical equipment in the corner of the room, but everyone else had left.

"I know the timing isn't ideal" the officer took a step forward "but if your willing to answer I'd like to ask about the villain"

He took another slow step, and then another. He clearly wasn't trying to intimidate Samuel, but he did.

He looked strong and the expression on his face was stern. Not to mention you could see a few veins popping out of his arm.

"The villain.. or the new.. villain" he asked slowly, testing his voice.

The words came much easier now and he only had to pause to take a breath. Though that was often. It was like his lungs had been shrunk down to the size of a raspberry.

"The villain" the officer answered bluntly.

Samuel looked down at his own fidgeting hands.

He wasn't sure what he should say. If Matias was here he could say all these things himself, but now Samuel wasn't sure how much Matias would want him to say. What if he didn't want Samuel explaining his innocence for him?

Plus, now wasn't the time to get on the police's bad side. Surely defending the villain and saying all his attacks weren't his fault would only make things worse.

But he still wanted to try, though first he had to know if he was okay.

"Where is he?" Samuel asked, though it was the officer who had prepared questions.

"He is in prison, still. You don't have to worry, we won't let him out"

Samuel had known they put Matias in prison, but he still felt the need to ask. Maybe he was just hoping they had let him out or something. Though that probably wouldn't be any safer for him.

Silence passed through the room, aside from all the noises of the hospital.

"Now, you should probably know what happened while you were unconscious" the officer finally spoke up.

Samuels heart leaped. Had something bad happened? There were too many awful possibilities running through Samuels mind.

"Don't worry, everyone is okay" the officer clarified, probably noticing how panicked Samuel was.

"The villain wasn't taken to prison immediately. He brought you here and refused to leave"

He crossed his arms, his large muscles pressing together.

"He said he was innocent regarding everything, but we'll get to that later. We eventually let him go in, supervised of course, and he stayed in your room for a bit."

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