Chapter 23 part 2

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Chapter 23 part 2


Muffled voices spoke in aggravated tones, many of them yelling. He could make out a clear difference between the ragged, slurred voices and the stern, professional ones.

Samuel couldn't tell what they were saying, he couldn't even really tell that he was awake.

A hand placed itself on Samuels shoulder, shaking him lightly. A much softer, calmer voice spoke out.

He finally snapped himself back into reality. He opened his eyes and looked around frantically, his surroundings seeming absurd and even impossible.

Crouched down in front of him was a sweet looking female cop with curly hair tied back in a bun and dark hair. Despite the fuzziness of his head he recognized her to be Officer Knight, who he had ran into multiple times before as the hero.

"Please stay calm, everything will be okay. We are going to take you both to the hospital very soon" she spoke slowly.

Samuel cleared his throat lightly and felt a quick pain come through his stomach.

"Both?" He asked, still testing his voice.

She glanced over to his left, a worried expression taking over her face.

And it didn't take Samuel long to understand why.

No more than three feet away from him sat Matias, leaned up on a wall with his eyes closed and his body limp. There was a stream of dried blood going down his neck and his legs seemed to be positioned in a particularly uncomfortable way.

But his chest was moving, and that was all Samuel cared about. The slight rising and falling of his chest brought immense amounts of joy and relief to him.

"He is unconscious, but we don't believe it will be anything long-term. Though we can't know for sure until we get you each out of here" she reassured.

Samuel nodded, but his eyes stayed glued to Matias.

Tears began trickling down his cheeks and his breathing grew unsteady, but he refused to look away. Matias was here, and he was alive, they were both alive.

He wasn't sure how much time had passed when two stretchers were brought in front of him with cops surrounding them.

When he finally looked away from Matias he fully took in the situation. Finally thought through what was going on.

Behind the stretchers were many gang members who he recognized from times he'd rather not recall, handcuffed and all being supervised by cops.

"We are going to help you as much as you need, but do you think you can stand?" An unfamiliar woman asked.

He glanced over to see multiple cops already loading Matias onto the stretcher.

Samuel nodded, but when he brought his legs in and tried to shift his weight onto them he found them almost completely useless. They were so weak they were practically numb, and it was clear there was no hope of him getting up on his own.

A few cops got the hint and each grabbed onto one of his arms, pulling him off the ground.

Once he was on his feet he tried to use his legs once again, but they were still equally as useless.

The cops lifted Samuel up, with little help from him, and laid him on the stretcher. It was uncomfortable and Samuel felt like he would fall off, but he ignored it.

Matias was being carried ahead of him, the cops seeming more rushed than the ones handling Samuel.

Samuel had a number of questions and no answers. He didn't know how Matias got here or what happened to him. He didn't know how the police found them. He didn't even know if the police knew that he was the hero or not.

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