Chapter 22 part 1

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Chapter 22 part 1


After leaving Officer Hinton alone in the alley where Samuel had gone missing Matias made his way towards Penny Drive, a small neighborhood not too far from where he was.

The whole way there he took twists and turns to go around crowed roads while also avoiding anywhere completely deserted. He didn't want large groups of people staring at him in fear, but he also wasn't big on being alone. Not with nobody to witness anything that may happen.

Luckily, everyone he passed didn't pay any attention to him. He was able to get to the house he was looking for without anyone causing a scene or being frightened.

Now, however, he was tasked with a much more difficult goal. He needed to speak to the person in the house.

He tried to break the process into steps to make it all seem easier.

Knock on the door.


Explain when door is opened.

Ask about Meera.

It was supposed to be a simple process. A short interaction that couldn't possibly escalate to anything more.

And so he knocked.

At first fear took over his arm, not knocking hard enough to be heard from the inside.

The second time he knocked harder, worried that he knocked in a too hard, threatening way. He couldn't know until the door was opened though.

And so he waited. He waited for what felt like an eternity. He could feel his palms sweating and the muscles in his legs aching as if the weight of his body was suddenly too much to bear.

Finally, the door was cracked open, and an eye peeking out.

The eye got wider, staring in unbelief at the man outside the door, before the door was slammed shut.

Matias sighed. He knew people wouldn't open the door for him anymore, knowing that he was the villain, but he thought she might be different. He thought she might have trusted him enough.

"Lexi, come on" he shouted, "I'm not going to hurt you or anything"

Nothing happened. The road behind him had cleared and he was alone.

He knocked harder, trying not to sound aggressive.

"What do you need?" A voice suddenly shouted from the other side of the door. Not sounding particularly upset, but also not sounding at all joyful.

Matias perked up. He had at least gotten a response.

"Lexi, please just listen to me, I'm trying to.. well I'm trying to help find the hero but.." he rambled, panicked.

No matter where he tried to start his explanation he always ended up with something Lexi didn't know about and only made him sound more like a villain.

"It's a long story" he finally announced. "Please, I'll explain if you just let me in"

Lexi didn't respond.

Matias, not knowing what to say or do, only stood in front of the door. He fidgeted with his hands and bit on his lip, but even after many minutes passed he got no response.

That was until a faint cry came from the other side of the door.

Matias started to ask if she was okay, but didn't get the chance.

"Why would you do all those things" Lexi mumbled as her quiet cries turned into sobs, "how can you do all those awful things and then act like nothing happened"

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