Chapter 28 part 2

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Chapter 28 part 2


The light stung Samuels eyes as the sun flowed into the room. His back ached as he realized he had slept sitting upright on the couch.

He looked to his left where Ellie was sprawled out. He couldn't push back the smile that grew on his face. Even just knowing for a fact that she was okay made him happier than he could even describe.

When he faced back forward he caught a glimpse of Matias out of the corner of his eye. His head was leaned all the way back onto the couch and he had a peaceful look on his face.

He couldn't help but laugh at the irony. Months ago he wouldn't have been able to imagine this guy petting a puppy. Now he couldn't see him hurting a fly.

Samuel lifted himself off of Matias's shoulder and slowly stood up off the couch, careful not to wake either of the two sleeping next to him.

His injuries stung a bit, mainly in his stomach and a gash in his thigh, but he only sucked in a sharp breath and kept moving.

He pulled a mug out a cabinet and grabbed a coffee packet along with some milk.

The milk was almost empty and was one of the only things left in the fridge. He hadn't been shopping since he got back and between both him, Ellie, and Matias, they'd be out of food by lunch.

Once he had made his coffee he made his way back to the couch. Both Ellie and Matias were still asleep, an unsettled expression growing on Matias's face.

His head shifted to face the other direction and his eyebrows furrowed. Samuel caught himself in a daze watching it, unsure of what to do.

He took a step forward, contemplating waking him, and then a step back, wondering if he should let him sleep.

A small groan escaped Matias's lips and his eyes squeezed shut. Even while asleep, he looked terrified.

Samuel finally took a deep breath and approached him, setting his mug down on the coffee table. He laid one hand down on his shoulder and the other on his cheek.

"Matias" he whispered, trying both to wake him calmly and keep Ellie asleep.

Matias continued to turn back and forth on the couch, growing more and more restless.

"Matias" Samuel repeated, his voice getting louder and more desperate.

He squeezed Matias's shoulder and used his other hand to hold his head steady.

Matias's eyes squeezed shut one last time before squinting open.

He looked confused for a moment, looking behind Samuel at the TV and then at the window.

"Are you okay?" Samuel asked as softly as he could.

Matias blinked and his eyes opened a bit more, seeming to only just notice that Samuel was even there. His eyes were glossy and a look of subtle fear took over his expression.

"Samuel?" He asked under his breath, slowly coming to his senses.

"Mhm" Samuel answered gently.

He was unsure of what to say. He didn't even know what had happened, let alone how to make Matias feel better about it.

Matias sat up and looked around the room. Samuel watched as his eyes paused on the window before looking back at him.

"Are you alright?" Samuel asked once more, his voice as soft as it could be.

Matias hesitated, taking a deep breath.

"Yeah. Just.. bad dream, I guess" he mumbled sounding ashamed.

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