Chapter 11 part 1

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Chapter 11 part 1


"I'm used to it by now"

Matias was no good at comforting people. No matter how hard he tried he always froze up and made things worse in the end.

That's why when Samuel stiffened and looked up at him with upset eyes, a rush of worry went through him.

"You shouldn't have to be used to it, Matias"

Samuels voice broke Matias's heart. It was cracking with every few words and quivering every time he paused between words. It was clear he was doing his best to remain calm, but was failing miserably.

"Samuel" He said slowly, though he didn't have a plan for what to say after that.

Silence overtook the room. Matias looked right into Samuels eyes, but this was different than any other time. This time he didn't bother trying to hide the concern in his face. He simply let his face express his emotions, which was something he hadn't done in a while.

"I'm sorry" was all Matias said.

Samuel looked up at him with a puzzled look.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, I'm the one who should be sorry" he remarked sadly.

"You'd think that wouldn't you" Matias mumbled and laughed quietly.

Samuel looked at him as if waiting for him to continue.

"Oh, never mind. Don't worry about it" Matias stuttered, realizing that Samuel was looking at him patiently.

Matias looked away awkwardly and took a sip of his water. He could feel Samuels look burning a hole into his face as he resisted the urge to look back at him. 

Samuel chuckled quietly, making Matias finally glance over. Samuel was wiping a tear from his cheek with the saddest smile Matias had ever seen.

"I'm sorry, I'm really trying not to cry" Samuel tried his best to add humor behind his words.

Matias couldn't help but feel bad for the crying man beside him. It was painfully obvious how he was trying to remain calm even though tears were spilling out of his eyes.

He searched his brain for an idea, any idea, to make him feel better. Samuel hugged him while he cried before, would that help? Or would that just be weird? Matias didn't want to stare at Samuel as he cried for any longer, so he decided to act on his only idea.

He stood from the chair he was sitting on and wrapped his arms gently around Samuels back. He held his breath and prayed that this was actually a good idea.

He stood there awkwardly for no more than a second before Samuel also stood up. Matias worried that he was upset by the hug, but that thought was pushed away when he wrapped his arms tightly around Matias's back.

It wasn't long before Samuel was all out sobbing into Matias's shoulder. The two could feel each others hearts beating and their chests rising with every breath.

"I'm sorry" Samuel managed between quivering breaths.

Matias paused, debating his next words.

"I think you're the last person who owes me an apology" he whispered.

He could feel Samuels grip tighten around him. He had the back of Matias's shirt balled up in his fists and his face was buried into his shoulder.

"I don't know why I get like this around you" Samuel said suddenly

Matias held his breath for a long moment, waiting for an explanation.

Samuels breathing calmed mostly back to normal and his sobbing had stopped, though he was undoubtedly still crying.

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