Chapter 8 part 1

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Chapter 8 part 1


"And you're really not going to like it"

There's no way Samuel would still want to be around Matias after finding out he was there for that reason. Matias hadn't even worked up the courage to tell Samuel he did it in the past, let alone that he was still doing it now.

"Matias I'm sure it's not as big of a deal as you're making it out to be. I'm sure whatever it is it won't change much" Samuel tried to calm Matias's nerves, though it just made him more anxious.

"Okay, but before I tell you, you should know it's also part of the reason I was stealing for so long"

Matias wanted to make sure everything was sorted out before, just in case things took a turn for the worst.

"You said you were in a bad place then, Matias. I'm sure it's nothing unforgivable" Samuel spoke almost like a mother would to their child.

Matias wanted to believe what Samuel was saying. He wanted to believe that him and Samuel were close enough, despite the fact that they haven't known each other for long, for him to just listen and understand. But the reality of it was just too overbearing. The reality was, they had hated each other for years and they only 'made up' in some way a day ago. Matias couldn't trust Samuel like he wished he could. His brain wouldn't let him.

Matias mumbled a few curses under his breath before continuing

"I was trying to get ahold of some drugs" Matias spoke meekly and cringed at how pathetic he sounded.

He watched as Samuels eyes widened and he stared in disbelief. Matias had noticed whenever you mention drugs people automatically assume it involves addiction. But he wasn't addicted. He never believed he was addicted. People didn't often believe him when he said that, but he truly didn't believe he was addicted. He just liked to take the stress off, that was all. If he needed to stop, he could. He just hadn't gotten to that point.

"drugs?" Samuel mumbled "this all happened over some drugs?" He gestured to Matias's injuries.

"Well not exactly" Matias was quick to defend his case

"I went to see a friend to get some, but he told me no. I was going back home when I was attacked. Me getting hurt has nothing to do with drugs" His voice was a normal volume but it felt like he was yelling.

"But that's why you owe Guzantee money isn't it?You owe him drug money"

Matias tensed as Samuel pieced it all together. He noticed Samuel grip tightened as he realized they were a still holding hands. Both of them were clearly uncomfortable for two very different reasons.

"Well that's not the only reason" Matias continued trying to defend himself

"Matias you said you owed him a thousand dollars! Even if a quarter of that is from drugs it's still over two hundred dollars worth of drugs!"

Samuel slowly started seeming less like he was angry and more like he was sad. His voice was no longer lecturing and it now seemed more like he was pleading with Matias. This forced Matias to rack his brain as to what Samuel was pleading for.

"I had just saved the hero. And then I found out that I had been serving him coffee for years" Matias tried his best to explain "I was just wanting something to ease my nerves. Nothing serious"

The look in Samuels eye made Matias gulp louder than he would've liked. He watched as Samuel took multiple deep breaths and closed his eyes for a long moment.

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