Chapter 12 part 1

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Chapter 12 part 1


A bright light bleeding into the room woke him up, punching on the back of his eyelids. He opened his eyes, shocked that he wasn't laying in his bed. Instead, he was sitting up on Samuel's couch with Samuel leaning on one side of him and Ellie clinging onto the other.

His heart sped up at the man who was sleeping on him, but he ignored it the best he could. He stared down at Samuel for a long moment. He observed his thick eyelashes, his long and messy hair, and he even noticed a small freckle beside his ear.

He snapped himself out of his thoughts and looked away from Samuel.

This is creepy, right? Staring at someone while they sleep is weird.

Matias stared intensely at the window, which had sunlight pouring through it. His eyes tried to travel back to Samuel, but he wouldn't let them.

He eventually got off the couch, slowly maneuvering his way up, trying not to wake Samuel and Ellie.

When he was finally up he didn't waste any time leaving the living room and going into the kitchen. Maybe he was making himself too at home, but he didn't really care.

Just being in the same room as Samuel, even when he was sleeping, made his whole body feel weird. Even though he now knew what that feeling was, it still make him feel.. wrong.

With everything going on, Matias hadn't had much time to be alone and think. However, now that he had the space, all his thoughts were rushing in at once.

Thoughts that he had done his best to avoid.

Vivid images of the woman he stabbed popped into his head. The looks of terror on the men's face. Her blood dripping onto him. It was all too much.

His hands balled into fists and his breathing quickened. His eyes welled with tears and he bit his lip, making it bleed in just seconds.

He felt like he was going to black out, but the thoughts only kept coming.

He could've done something else, she didn't have to die. Hell, it would've been better if he died instead. They have a reason for trying to kill him, but he just killed her for doing what Guzantee told her to.

What if she had a family? And what about her friends? They must be grieving right now. If Matias died instead of her, nobody would grieve. It would have been the better outcome.

His legs wobbled beneath him and he just barely held himself up. He was gasping for air, all to no avail. He was sure he was going to black out when he felt a soft pressure on his back.

"Matias? Are you alright?" The voice asked slowly and softly

Matias whipped his head around fast enough to make his head pound even more. He met a pair of deep brown eyes, staring worriedly.

The presence gave him a bit of comfort, but his breathing and shaking didn't slow down even a little. His stopped biting his lip as he opened his mouth a bit in an attempt to get more air.

"hey, it's alright" he spoke soothingly, "you need to sit down, okay?"

Matias stared at him for a moment, not fully processing his words at first. The other man's hands laid on each of his shoulders as he urged him to have a seat. They weren't close enough to any chairs so Samuel led Matias to sit on the floor.

Matias sat, leaning back on the cabinets behind him. Samuel crouched in front of him, his left hand remaining on Matias's shoulder.

"Just breathe, I know it's hard but you need to focus on your breathing" Samuel instructed

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