Chapter 16 part 1

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Chapter 16 part 1


His whole body ached mercilessly. His legs wobbled under his weight and he could barely even brace himself for impact before he slammed into another half destroyed building.

He pushed up with his arms, falling back as his left elbow gave out.

"The fuck is your problem?" Matias shouted, though he knew he wouldn't get a response.

She had a mask on, but Matias could just tell that the new villain was grinning. She was incredibly strong, and she knew it. She knew just as well as Matias did how unfair of a fight it was, but she didn't care.

Matias rolled over abruptly just as another attack landed right where he was just seconds before. He grabbed onto the broken wall and pulled himself up, ignoring the objections from his body.

He staggered out of the building and back into the street. He was more visible to the cameras, but it was better than tripping over bricks. Besides, most of the people were over in the buildings anyways. That is if you can even consider their mangled corpses 'people' anymore.

The new villain wasted no time following him back out. She walked casually as a normal person would walk down the road, but the red strings coming from her back very clearly proved how she was the exact opposite of normal.

She sent a line of her powers at Matias from one side only to grab him from the other side as he went to dodge. She held him up in the air in a rather humiliating way.

Matias had already over exerted himself, especially his powers, leaving him to dangle in the air as she looked up at him.

Matias was sure that was it. If she wanted to, she could kill him. If she wanted to she could kidnap him. Hell, she could do whatever she wished and Matias wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

Matias tried to muster up even the littlest bit of power. The smallest inch of strength, but it was no use. This was it. He was sure of it.

That was until a very specific image popped into his head.


He was alone in some alley right now probably bleeding to death, and Matias was too busy getting his ass kicked to help. Sure, the cameras must've caught where he had gone, but how long would it take for the police to show up? Better yet, how long can Samuel hold out, waiting for someone to show up?

The thought of Samuel being in a dirty alley all alone in his condition brought Matias a certain kind of rage.

The new villain slammed a knot of red into Matias's exposed face. And that was it.

Matias pulled himself together and collected a bundle of his own powers. Before he knew it he had sent a blue ball of his ability flying right at her.

It hit her right in the center of her mask before disappearing into the air. The new villain paused and, almost in slow motion, her mask cracked off her face and fell to the ground.

Shocked eyed stared back at him. The last thing Matias expected was for the new villain to be one of the few people he actually knew.

Let alone someone he knew from the coffee shop he had worked at for years.

Suddenly he recognized the long hair draped down her back and the general shape of her body. Had he really worked with her for years and not known?


The young girl who worked early mornings and chose to keep the socializing to a minimum was the same girl who was terrorizing the city. The same girl who murdered all the people around them.

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