Chapter 26 part 1

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Chapter 26 part 1


All Matias could think was finally when he woke the day he was to leave. He knew Samuel had left three days ago, and he was dying to know how Ellie was doing. Was she put into a home? Or was that lady taking care of her?

Officer Hinton and a nurse, one he had seen before but hadn't learned the name of, entered his room at the same time. The nurse was holding clothes that Matias was unfamiliar with.

"Time to go" Officer Hinton said with a pinch of joy in his voice.

Matias tried not to look too happy, but could feel a smile creeping onto his face.

The nurse handed him the clothes— a pair of black sweats and a gray t-shirt— and nodded towards the bathroom for him to get changed.

Matias didn't waste a second getting up, though his legs were sore, and rushing to the bathroom.

He changed as fast as he could, his head getting a bit fuzzy from moving too much, and only took roughly a minute before he was exiting the bathroom.

He gave Officer Hinton a look as to say can we leave now? and the officer nodded, a smile creeping onto his face.

Matias walked in front of the officer going out of the room before realizing he didn't know where he was going and deciding to wait, turning with a slightly embarrassed look on his face.

Officer Hinton's face remained the same, but Matias could tell he found it amusing. He wanted to say something, but didn't.

Matias walked a quickly as he could next to the officer, who was taking slow, patient steps. He tried to speed up in order to make Officer Hinton do the same, but had no luck.

When the elevator finally reached the bottom floor and Matias could see the parking lot, he began to wonder how he would get to his house. Surely he couldn't walk home like this, especially not while people know who he is.

The question only gave him more questions with no answers. What use would going to his own house give him? He had nobody there waiting for him, and it's not like there was anything there that wasn't at Samuels house. At least with Samuel he had proper food, and some company.

The officer stopped him before they reached the door, holding an arm out in front of him.

"The doctors scheduled your checkups at 3 pm every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. You can adjust it if you need, but for now that's when you need to come in" he spoke calmly as if he were a doctor himself.

Matias had been told about the appointments— or "checkups" as everyone else had been calling them— only once before, and had brushed them off. He didn't actually plan on going to any of them. It's not like they had a phone number or address for him anyways.

"Okay" he responded in a hurry, ready to leave, but partially waiting for the officer to tell him he could, and how he'd be doing so.

"Alright. Let's get out of here then" Officer Hinton said casually.

Matias tried to pay it no mind. Maybe he was just walking him out the door.

However it didn't take him long to realize that wasn't the case.

The officer walked him into the parking lot, and continued to lead the way all the way to the cop car that was sitting right at the front of the hospital.

Worry flashed through Matias's mind. Surely he wasn't being taking back to prison. He couldn't be taken back to prison.

He felt his eyes widen and his mouth open slightly, but could do nothing to fix his expression.

"Relax," the officer said after seeing his face. "I'm taking you back to your house. You can't walk there and I don't see someone here to pick you up" he explained, a bit of sarcasm bleeding into his voice.

"Oh" Matias mumbled, embarrassed.

Officer Hinton opened the drivers door and slid into the seat. Matias hesitated, looking around the parking lot, before sitting himself in the passengers side.

"What's your address?" The officer asked, his phone in his hands.

"Uh.." Matias hesitated.

He wanted to go to Samuel's house. He knew that would be more beneficial for him. But could he just.. show up there? Better yet, could he ask an officer to take him there?

"Or I could always take you to the hero's. You two probably have a lot to look into" he offered, sounding a bit smug.

Matias looked over at him, a small grin pushing at the officers lips.

"Yeah" Matias mumbled, trying to ignore the look on Officer Hinton's face.

A small chuckle came from the officer, making Matias scoff.

"I already have the address. I took him to his house a few days ago" he pointed out, the glee leaving his voice slightly.

Matias hummed in response. He settled down into the seat, looking out the window.

The rest of the ride was silent aside from the occasional gps sound saying where to turn and the engines of other cars driving around them.

Eventually, Matias recognized the turn into Samuels neighborhood. He took a few deep breaths, preparing himself for a reason he didn't even know.

The car pulled up beside Samuels house and parked, but the officer didn't unlock the door.

"It's best if you don't go out in public for the time being. We still haven't.. cleared your name" Officer Hinton spoke quietly.

Matias nodded. He knew he wasn't safe in public now that people knew his face. Hell, he didn't know if he'd ever be safe in public.

"You should tell any family in the area that they should be careful too. You never know what people can find out" he went on.

Matias stayed silent. He didn't even have any friends here besides Lexi, let alone any family.

The door clicked unlocked, Officer Hinton not saying another word.

Matias stepped out of the car silently. He stepped forward so he was only slightly in front of the car, and looked back at the officer.

Officer Hinton, however, didn't return his gaze. He was looking down at the car before he quickly put it into reverse and pulled out of Samuels driveway.

Matias sighed slightly, watching the officer drive away. He watched the car until it turned away, out of sight.

He turned slowly back to Samuels house, walking up to the door slowly.

He held his hand up to the door knob, but didn't open the door. 

Instead, he raised it and made a fist, knocking lightly on the door.


Officer Hinton knows wassup

I realized after writing this that it is kind of useless and it's a bit fast-paced but I didn't have the time nor energy to rewrite it, the next will be better!!

Don't Leave Me Here (boyxboy)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon