Chapter 30 part 2

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Chapter 30 part 2


Once Matias had, finally, seemed to relax into the bed Samuel gradually scooted closer. He could clearly tell how stiff Matias was when it came to any kind of affection, so he did his best to show that it was okay. That they could he comfortable around one another.

When he was close enough—so close that their legs were touching— Samuel wrapped an arm around Matias's chest. He placed his head onto his chest as well.

Despite how strained his breathing had become and how he was laying stiffer than a board, Matias lifted his arm and wrapped it around Samuels shoulders.

His wrist bent upwards, his fingers landing in Samuels hair.

Samuel would never admit it, but he loved when Matias did that. When his fingers ran gently through his hair he couldn't help but get butterflies.

The two didn't say a word, falling slowly into a comfortable sleep.

Samuel slept better than he had in a very long time. There was no dreams, tossing and turning, or waking up in the middle of the night.

When he woke, however, Matias was gone. Samuel listened for any noise coming from elsewhere that could be made by Matias, but there was nothing.

Samuel stood and stretched. Once he had woken up a bit more he ushered his wobbly legs to lead him out of the room.

He glanced over briefly to the couch, but Matias wasn't there. He made his way into the kitchen and looked there too, but there was still nothing.

His heart began to race and his throat felt tight. He told himself it was okay, but got little improvement.

He could be somewhere else in the house. Surely Matias is perfectly fine and is just doing... something in another room.

Samuel eventually calmed down after reassuring himself as best he could. He made his way back to the hall way with Ellie's room, his wounds feeling much better than they did the day before.

He wasn't sure why he was checking Ellie's room, but let the thought slide right over his head. The only person in Ellies room, was Ellie— and she was still asleep in her bed.

He checked the laundry room too, but still nothing.

Worry bubbled in him once again, but he wouldn't let himself panic. Surely it was okay.

He walked slower than he even thought possible back to his room. He glanced into the bathroom and, for whatever odd reason, the closet.


His legs wobbled a bit as he put too much pressure on one of his injuries. The pain and concern together forced him to sit down onto the bed.

His hands were squeezed into fists that forced his nails into his skin. The pain was minor due to how low he had bitten his nails, but was still there.

His eyes darted around the room, desperate to calm himself down.

But how could he?

Matias's face had been exposed and everyone knew he was the villain. There was no way he could be safe out in public. Not to mention he just left without another word.

How could he pretend like that was okay?

He was struggling to regulate his breathing when he spotted a small piece of paper set down neatly on the nightstand, a pencil laid down next to it.

Samuel didn't hesitate before he had scooted over on the bed to grab hold of the paper and was reading over it.

Went back to my house to get some things. I'll be back soon.

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