Chapter 31 part 1

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Chapter 31 part 1


Matias slumped back into the car seat, staring out the window and refusing to look at Samuel.

Samuel had, after much debate and Matias trying to come up with more excuses, gotten them both out of the house and on the way to the hospital.

Samuel called Amanda to watch Ellie, as bad as he felt after everything else, and clarified that his car had tinted windows, no nobody could see Matias's face.

Matias could feel Samuel glancing over at him with a smile every time he got the chance. He was no doubt proud of getting him out the door.

When they got to the hospital Matias put on a hood in hopes to hide his identity as best he could.

Luckily enough, it actually worked. He got a few not-so-secretive glances but none of them recognized him as the villain.

Him and Samuel eventually went their separate ways, being a few rooms apart for their appointments.

Matias, as he expected, was perfectly fine. His concussion was getting better and all that was really done was his bandages being cleaned. The doctors asked routine questions about how active he had been and if he had any pain, then left.

Matias continued to sit in the hospital room despite the doctor leaving. Samuel hadn't come out yet and he wasn't exactly in favor of getting more dirty looks for his hood.

He spaced out while picking at his hands—twiddling his thumbs and pulling at any stray skin—until the door opened.

Matias hopped up before even looking up at Samuel, tugging at his hood to pull it back over his head.

"Long time no see" a familiar voice spoke out.

When Matias glanced up he was met with a bald head and a tall, buff stature. Definitely not Samuel.

"Officer Hinton" Matias greeted, shock seeping into his voice. He had partially forgotten the officer was still actively part of everything going on.

He pulled his hood down once more and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"Good to see you actually came, I didn't think you would" Officer Hinton chuckled, "I was prepared to go and get you"

Matias considered mentioning that the officer didn't actually know where he lived, only Samuel, but didn't. He had been staying with Samuel anyways after all.

"I didn't want to" he admitted in a mumble, just loud enough to hear. He chose not to explain how Samuel practically dragged him out the door.

The officer nodded, the tiniest hint of amusement on his face. Matias tried hard not to mention it.

"There's officially a court date" Officer Hinton stated blandly, his face growing blank in an instant and a tad of dread showing through his eyes.

Matias took an eager step forward. Not because he was excited, of course, but simply because he knew it must be soon.

"July 14th" the officer continued, seeing Matias's impatience. "Three weeks from now"

Matias felt his heart drop and a slight headache grow behind his eyes. "That soon?" He questioned desperately, though he expected it. "Aren't I supposed to get longer to.. I don't know.. talk to a lawyer or something?"

Officer Hinton looked to the floor and shook his head slowly. "You should, but it's not required. It definitely doesn't help that plenty of the legal team involved are against you. Most don't know or don't believe your side of the story"

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