Chapter 9 part 2

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Chapter 9 part 2


His back ached as he was shoved into another building. The lightning-like powers grabbed him off the ground and squeezed him tight. He let out a grunt, squinting at the person in charge of the attack.

Samuel didn't plan on showing up as the hero too soon, but when he saw a masked woman walking outside his house he was more than intrigued. He didn't have to watch the girl for long before something was proved to be wrong. Out of her back came long, red... powers?

Samuel had hurriedly put on his suit and mask and rushed out his back door just in case. He couldn't have people seeing the hero come out of Samuels house.

He followed her from behind just watching for a while. That was until the lines of power growing from her back grew greatly and began swinging around rapidly. They were going in all different directions while two picked up random civilians and another two smashed building windows.

Samuel worked up a yellow ball and sent it the woman's way. It smacked her in the head but earned no reaction. The lady simply sent one of her strings of power his way, not even looking back at him.

The hero rolled out of the way, narrowly missing the attack. Upon getting a closer look the power seemed to be hundreds of small strings of power grouped together to make an almost rope-like object made of red powers. Not to mention they were pulled together in a way that somewhat resembled a strike of lightning.

Samuel continued throwing lazars and balls of his own power in her direction but she dodged smoothly past each attack. She wasn't even looking at him, how was she doing all this?

Samuel ran forward to get within closer range of the woman. He dodged multiple swinging red strings until he finally made his way up to her. He put a firm hand on her shoulder and whipped her around.

She was wearing a plain black mask that appeared to be made out of metal. The mask only had a small hole by the mouth and two larger holes for the eyes. She was wearing a full body suit that was mostly black. There was red lining trailing around the suit in places like around her waist and down her legs. There were also too many pockets to count. Many had zippers, velcro, buttons, anything you could think of.

The hero had clearly spent too long inspecting the new found villain when his face was met with a rock hard fist. It didn't hurt due to his masks protection, but he still stumbled back before looking up at her dumbfounded. She didn't hesitate to turn herself back around and continue walking down the street.

"What are you trying to accomplish here?!" The hero shouted over the ruckus. A thick red rope was sent his way in response.

He hopped back and was missed by the attack, but he had no time to celebrate before a strong pain in his leg caused him to stumble. He silently cursed at the injury he forgot was there.

While he was distracted another rope hit him head on and sent him flying back multiple feet. He fell back into the outer brick wall of a thrift store. However, this time the attacks didn't stop.

The red bundle of strings wrapped itself around his arms and pulled him up into the air. It held him at least ten feet off the ground, allowing him a good look at the chaos that surrounded them.

All the buildings behind them had broken windows and multiple were missing their doors. Meanwhile every building near them were currently under attack. Even a few people were grabbed just to be pushed around and them left alone.

"The hell are you doing!?" The hero shouted angrily.

The woman didn't even spare him a glance as she kept walking down the street, bringing the ruckus with her. The hero opened his mouth to shout again, but stopped when he was dropped out of the air and landed back on the concrete. He landed flat on his back, his spine screamed in response.

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