Chapter 6 part 1

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Chapter 6 part 1


Matias stared down at his lap, replaying all the previous events in his head. He had found out the hero, Samuel, has a daughter. He explained how he even became 'the villain'. He showed the hero his face and told him his name. And then Samuel had apologized to him and gave him a hug. Not to mention cried all over his shoulder.

He genuinely couldn't believe it. The hero that he spent so long fighting with and all around disliking now knew all kinds of secrets, and they had even broken the friendship barrier in a way. Matias wanted to tell people how he wasn't a villain and that it was all a misunderstanding, but this isn't how he imagined It'd go.

Samuel exited the bathroom, snapping Matias back into reality. Matias looked Samuel up and down, from head to toe, and noticed how much of a mess he was. He was wearing loose sweatpants accompanied by a t-shirt that seemed old. His brown hair was unkempt and tangled a bit as it flowed down to his shoulders. His eyes were shadowed by dark circles and the rim of them was red from crying.

He sat down lazily and held out his hand.

"Here, give me your arm"

Matias glanced at his own hand before slowly raising his arm and dropping it into Samuels hand.

He felt the lukewarm cloth dab at his arm and quickly tensed. He looked away and bit down on his lip.

"Tell me if it's too much and you need a break, okay?" Samuel spoke with such care and worry in his voice, it made Matias question how he had ever hated him as much as he did.

"I'm fine, just keep going" Matias complained despite how warm Samuels voice had made him feel.

"Alright, I just don't want you to do what you did last time. There's no need to hold out until you physically can't take it anymore"

Matias could feel Samuels eyes on him and refused to look over to check.

"I was fine. Would you just shut up and clean the damn wound"

Samuel frowned, but continued dabbing and wiping at Matias's arm.

Matias looked down at his arm, almost making the pain worse. There was dried blood everywhere and in the center there was still dark, wet, blood pooling up.

A long and uncomfortable silence sat between the two. The only sounds were Matias's unsteady breathing and the occasional hiss or grunt from pain. Samuel made a point to consistently look up at the villain to make sure he was really okay.

Samuel finally broke the silence.

"I know you're not going to like this, but you're going to have to take that wound in your stomach to the hospital. I can't take care of it properly" Samuel spoke quietly, not bothering to stop his work on Matias's arm.

"I'm fine, there's no need to go to the hospital." Matias responded coldly, his eyes shifting up to Samuels face before quickly moving back down to his arm.

"Are you serious? You're not fine! That needs to go to the hospital or you could seriously hurt yourself!" Samuel raised his voice which was filled with worry.

He finally looked up from his work on Matias's arm and looked him right in the face. Matias remained looking down.

"I can't" Matias half mumbled

"You have to! They won't even know you're the villain!" Samuel didn't lower his voice even a little.

"What do you want me to tell them? That I was chilling in an alley when I was attacked by some people I have beef with?" Matias said sarcastically, desperate to come up with some kind of excuse.

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