Chapter 3 part 1

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Chapter 3 part 1


The bell rang at the door of the coffee shop he worked in for what seemed like the 100th time that morning. Matias didn't understand the point of a bell. If someone walks in and nobody is at the counter, they have a bell at the counter!

They walked in, ordered, got their drink, and left. This is all Matias did all day. From 7:15 to 3:30 he would stand here, take orders, give them their drink, and he'd watch them leave.

It may seem repetitive and obnoxious, but Matias loved it. He had worked at the coffee shop since he moved to the city, and back then it was just kind of a shit hole. Maybe that was good though because it had been the 17th job he tried for and the only one that accepted him.

It's not easy getting a job when you don't have valid paperwork, don't have any kind of ID, and look like you're ready to punch anyone at anytime.

You don't have to look at Matias for more than a second to know that he looks very intimidating. His eyes are a pale gray color and the way they rest looks like an angry glare. His lips rest in a frown and weren't brightly colored at all. His jawline wasn't usually noticed due to his distracting and scary looking face, but it was sharp and certainly didn't help him look friendly. Not to mention he had pitch black hair that contradicted his pale skin and grey eyes. His hair was thick and a bit too wavy to be called 'curly' but still a bit too curly to be called 'wavy'.

Another worker walked over and pat Matias on the back.

"What's up big man" a feminine voice spoke beside him.

"Hello, Alexa"

Alexa was another worker who had been working there for a while. She was actually the one who convinced the owner to hire Matias despite his scary face and lack of paperwork.

"Cmon man I told you to call me Lexi! I know you remember, you just want to piss me off!" Lexi was by far the loudest worker, and though Matias was probably the quietest, they were close friends. That's what Lexi believed anyways, Matias wasn't really sure what qualified as a 'close friend'.

"Sorry" Matias said with a smirk on his face

"Alright asshole, I've got to go to the back, don't get killed or anything"

"Mhm, you might want to fix your language around customers Alexa" He smugly looked over to Lexi who was flipping him off while walking to the back.

There weren't actually any customers in the shop right that second so I didn't matter, but Lexi specifically worked in the back because she couldn't control her tongue up front.

The bell rang again and Matias glanced only slightly at the door before turning his whole head to the door and staring wide eyed.

He made eye contact with the man who had walked in the door before the other man looked away awkwardly. He wanted to look away too, but pure shock overtook him for a few seconds longer than he would've liked.

He watched the man slightly limp all the way over to the counter before glancing up at him and back down at his hands.

"Just the usual please.. under the name Samuel"

Samuel. That's why he recognized the hero's face so much. Samuel was one of the customers who came In almost every single day. Just a few days ago Matias had nodded at Samuel as he walked in and Samuel didn't even need to approach the counter until he was picking up his drink. Samuel came in at the same exact time every single day and ordered the same exact thing.

Matias was handed the man's drink so he could call him up and give it to him, but this was different than every other day.

He wasn't giving the drink to Samuel, the regular guy who liked his coffee at 7:30 every morning and had done nothing to make Matias like nor dislike him. This was the hero who had been fighting Matias for years. The same hero who Matias had fought with and saved just the night before.

Don't Leave Me Here (boyxboy)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara