Chapter 10 part 2

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Chapter 10 part 2


He really, really, cared about his daughter. That being said, when she was so scared that she started crying because she couldn't find her dad, he felt pretty guilty. He has responsibilities as the hero, but his responsibilities as a father should come first.

Now, Samuel laid on the couch lost in thought. Ellie was laying right beside him, crammed in between his body and the couch, sleeping. All that crying can take a lot out of a kid.

Samuel, however, was fighting sleep. His eyelids were droopy and his limbs were like noodles, but he refused to go to sleep. He had too much to think about for him to go to sleep.

Where did that woman come from? For Samuels entire life he thought he was the only one with powers. And then, Matias showed up. Now he'd finally gotten used to the idea of it just being the two of them and another person with powers shows up.

It wasn't just that though. She was strong. The amount of power she was producing and controlling was ridiculous! Neither Samuel nor Matias have ever come close to using that much power all at once.

She was strong, and she knew it. The whole time they were fighting, if you could even call that a fight, she was just messing with him! If she wanted to badly hurt or even kill him she could've easily done that. She also could've decimated all those buildings and killed every pedestrian she encountered. But she didn't, and Samuel itched to know why.

Every thought slowed down in his head. He wanted to keep thinking, he wanted to figure out what was going on. But his body had had enough, and it was ready to sleep.

His eyes fluttered open, not fully willed to wake up yet. He let out a long yawn before looking up at the tv which was..on? The tv was switched to a recording of the news and was showing himself, or rather the hero, talking to the interviewers.

He felt around for the remote, trying not to move too much and wake his daughter. His eyes scanned the room before meeting with another pair of eyes.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" the person said with a laugh.

"Why are you in my house, Matias" Samuel replied coldly, though a smile crept onto his lips.

"Dude you got your ass absolutely kicked, why do you think I'm here?" Matias teased, pausing the tv.

Samuel glanced over at his daughter who was clung onto his side. He moved her arm off of his chest and slowly sat up. Once he was fully out of her grasp he stood up off the couch.

"How cute" Matias joked.

Samuel only responded with a glare. He walked over to where Matias was sitting and grabbed his wrist, pulling him up.

"Damnit Samuel, I'm still injured you prick!" Matias hissed through gritted teeth.

Samuel stopped to look back at the now standing Matias. He kept his hold on his wrist while looking him up and down, assuring he was okay.

"Don't do that, you look like you're checking me out"

Matias's remark made Samuel release his wrist and look away towards the wall.

"Just come on" Samuel muttered, bringing a hand up to cover his face.

"Yessir" Matias responded with a smirk.

Samuel led the two of them into his bedroom and stood with his arms crossed. He waited for Matias to close the door before he immediately started talking.

"Do you know who the hell that was?" Samuel wasted no time asking.

"What? No, I've never seen em before" Matias responded, startled.

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