Chapter 32 part 1

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Chapter 32 part 1


Matias wasn't used to being very open to anyone, especially involving his relationships. Sometimes he'd get awkward when speaking of a simple friendship, and now he was having to explain that him and Samuel were together.

His face was hot and he couldn't stop fidgeting, though he tried to hide it when he realized. His mind kept flashing back to when he could easily calm his emotions and would've been able to sit still through this all. The realization of how much he had changed was like a slap in the face.

Before he could grasp his emotions and say anything, Lexi let out an amused scoff.

When he looked up to meet her eyes she had a slight smile, though the shock was still planted on her face.

It wasn't long before a few breathy laughs escaped her lips and her smile grew awkwardly.

"I cannot believe you!" She nearly squealed, laughter still emerging from her lips.

Matias felt Samuel shift awkwardly beside him. It was clear neither of the two knew where this was going.

"You never thought to tell me? Oh my god, how long has this been going on?" She continued to shout, amused.

"Uh.." Matias muttered, unsure. They first kissed months ago, but started being intimate—in a way— only in the last few weeks. Hell, they hadn't even clarified what they were.

"Technically a few weeks" Samuel finally spoke up, sounding almost more unsure than Matias.

"Technically?" Lexi asked, leaning forward in investment.

When Samuel stayed quiet, Matias realized he would be the one answering her question.

"It's.. complicated" he stuttered.

"Oh no! You will not be giving me that! Tell me the story" Lexi dismissed in a hurry.

As nervous as he was, it brought a smile to Matias's face seeing Lexi so enthusiastic. She had seemed so exhausted recently, not to mention it looked like the life had been drained out of her. Now she was back to being normal Lexi, as nosy as she was.

"Earth to Matias? One of you is going to tell me what happened" she demanded once more.

Matias looked over at Samuel for the first time, meeting his eyes. Neither said a word, but exchanged a knowing look.

After an undoubtably awkward minute, Matias sighed.

"Well you remember how I told you that I found the hero in an alley after the new villain attacked?" Matias spoke slowly, trying to ease away the silence.

Lexi nodded, her face changing briefly at the mention of Meera.

"Well, he was conscious for a bit before I took him to the hospital"

Samuels head turned quickly to stare at Matias and Lexi had a face of pure curiosity.

"And right before he passed out..." Matias hesitated, searching his mind for the least embarrassing way to say it.

"I kissed him" Samuel interrupted when the silence grew too long.

Matias felt his face flush and his heart pound. When his gaze shot over to Samuel he had a cheeky grin on his face, acknowledging Matias's embarrassment.

Lexi gasped dramatically, her hand raising to her chest. "So this was all before you came and visited me? You were already together and you didn't tell me?" She accused.

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