Noble (Part 3)

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The horse-drawn carriage was driven towards the huge royal gate, Carlon showed the old man's entry token and entered the kingdom with the horse-drawn carriage. Naku looked around and was amazed by everything that was new to him.

'Wow..' Naku was speechless and amazed at the charm of the city that seemed foreign to him.

'We arrived at the kingdom of Zealuterra.' Carlon stopped his horse carriage at the side so as not to block the path of the townspeople.

'Zea..Ze..Zeturela?' Naku tries to say the name of the kingdom but fails. '...Zealuterra.' Carlon patted Naku's shoulder gently and walked towards the girl.

'So Lady.. from what noble family..? sorry if it's impolite to ask.' Carlon smiled gently at the girl.

'...Duke..' The girl answered in a soft voice.

'?! oh..' Carlon was shocked and pulled Naku's hand closer to him. 'AAAAA?!' Naku was pulled tightly and held down by Carlon.

'Naku... this girl is a very.. very.. very very important person..' Carlon whispered to Naku in a very small voice.

'...So?' Naku looked at Carlon and waited for his answer.

'We must dress neatly... especially you, your clothes are very worn.' Carlon said as he dusted off Naku's clothes.

'Well.. I don't have any coins hehe so Uncle will take care of it~' Naku quickly backed away but Carlon quickly pulled him and shook him again. 'NO! YOU'LL GO WITH ME!' Carlon shook Naku hoping he wouldn't leave him alone to take care of the girl.

After 5 minutes, the girl looked at them confused and curious about the conversation they had and started walking towards them making Carlon and Naku suddenly looking at her.

'Uh... Lady.. are we allowed to dress like this..?' Carlon said carefully so as not to offend him.

'...Yes..' The girl answered with a small smile on her face.

'...Then, let's go.' Carlon pulled Naku and walked with the girl towards the Duke's residence.

Arriving at the Duke's residence, Carlon saw the enormous and luxurious mansion made him slightly uncomfortable.

'...So big..' Naku said while looking at the mansion in awe.

'T-thank you for saving me... even escorting me back.. I'll call father and ask him to give you a present.. so come on in..' The girl walked into the mansion.

Naku and Carlon who were amazed and felt uncomfortable because of the luxury around them then looked at each other.

'...Naku let's run.. I'm not comfortable with this.' Carlon looked at Naku with a slightly pale and scared face.

'So what? we want to be rewarded, let's go in too~' Naku walks in but Carlon tries to pull him but fails and chases him inside.

'WAIT NAKU!' Carlon ran towards Naku who seemed to have stopped and looked ahead.

Carlon saw a man who was dignified like a sleeping beast, he was the Duke, the girl's father.

"Ah..." Carlon thought as he swallowed his saliva nervously.

'I heard you two saved my daughter and escorted her here, Thank You.' Duke walked upright looking at them.

'Ah yes we-' Not having time to finish his words, Carlon immediately pushed Naku's head and made him look down.

'SST.. stay like that.' Carlon whispered to Naku while holding his head down to face the Duke.

'Ah it's fine you can raise your heads, I don't want my daughter's saviors to lower themselves so low just because I'm a Duke. Come, it's impolite of me to let my daughter's savior stand in the middle of a large room like this.' Duke said with a smile and walked over and was followed by Carlon and Naku.

They walked and entered the living room that looked luxurious and beautiful in Carlon and Naku's eyes, Duke slowly sat down on the sofa that looked very soft. 'I want to give you a present.'

Naku and Carlon slowly sat down and felt the softness of the sofa like no other.

'It's soft..' Naku smiled sitting on the sofa and patted it. 'Hahaha.. that's the couch I bought for 80 Platinum Coins.' Duke laughed seeing Naku like a happy child.

'...80 Platinum Coins..' Carlon hearing those words carefully adjusted his sitting position to be very formal so as not to damage it.

'It's fine, just sit comfortably.' Duke smiled at them as he said that in a gentle tone.

A maid entered the room and brought high quality tea and brewed it for them.

'...Is this tea?' Naku looked at the luxurious cup of tea in front of him and lifted it slowly.

'Yes, it is high quality tea in this kingdom.' Duke said as he took a sip of his tea.

Naku then took a sip of the tea and felt the warmth that made his body relaxed and energized, he also felt the honey mixed in the tea.

' feels so good.' Naku smiled as he drank it one more time. 'I'm relieved you like it.' Duke took down his tea and put it on the table and smiled at Naku.

'So.. I want you to ask me for a gift, I'll give what you want.' Duke said while leaning his body on the sofa.

'...Then I want-' Naku wanted to answer but Carlon quickly covered his mouth and whispered.

'Naku..don't be so greedy..okay?' Carlon whispered to Naku while patting his shoulder.

Naku then raised his head and looked at the Duke who was waiting for a response from them.

'I want coins.' Naku answered with a confident face.

'I shouldn't have let him said it..' Carlon facepalming and shook his head.

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