Project: ARK

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In the largest and most magnificent city: Spiras, a woman walks while wearing a black robe that hides her appearance.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMAN, COME LOOK AT THIS FRESH FRUIT AT CHEAP PRICES" a seller promotes his wares to local residents

"SPECIAL SPIRAS CRIMSON COW STEAK WITH DISCOUNT PRICE TODAY!" other sellers promote their wares to compete with other sellers

Spiras is famous for its very large city and connection of traders from all over the world, even though there are some crimes such as theft and theft, they will immediately be arrested by the Apostles who are a group directly chosen by the king to strictly maintain the peace of the city.

The woman walked around the city before walking towards the tall tower in the middle of the city which is Ark Tower, the woman entered the tower and took the elevator to the top floor, when the elevator door opened the woman saw a man sitting in a chair with an dangerous aura that she could feel even from distance.

"How is it, Glacia?" The man asked the woman.

"I have tested the weapon you developed, I can say that it works very well." Glacia answered the man calmly.

"Good job" The man answered as he stood up and looked at the documents on his desk.

"I'm leaving," Glacia said as she walked towards the elevator.

When the elevator door opened, Glacia saw a woman wearing black armor with a sword at her waist and whitish blonde hair walking out of the elevator. Glacia felt a very strong mana aura that was almost at the same level as the man.

The woman walked up to the man and greeted him and handed him a paper with information.

"Good job, Flair" The man smiled as he accepted the paper.

"...I'll go now" Flair said in a soft voice and low tone.

Flair walks towards the elevator and the elevator doors close.

The man looked at the paper that Flair gave him and frowned when he read the sentence: "The weapon being developed has experienced mass damage and requires repair and upgrading of the weapon system."

"...This weapon is still damaged after being tested by Glacia, it seems I have to make improvements that can cover this problem..." The man said as he turned the document over.

While flipping through the document, the man's eyes widened for a moment when he saw the last page.

"The weapon being developed requires a sophisticated system that is similar to the weapon developed by Project: ARK 200 years ago called "ARK: Veli" where the weapon is the "Perfect Ark" developed by Project: ARK" the man see on the last page of the document given by Flair.

"Ark: Veli.., this weapon.. was lost due to a fatal mistake by the scientists in the lab at that time. Tsk, even though I remember these systems, without the special materials needed it wouldn't be as perfect as Ark: Veli, that's why the progress ARK's development was stuck at this level because the required material could not be found, a rare material that was probably impossible to obtain by normal way... Everlasting Mana." The man said while frowning in great disappointment.

At the Duke's house, Naku wakes up from fainting.

"?!" Naku woke up quickly and looked around which was one of the rooms in the Duke's mansion.

"Huh? You're awake? Please wait a moment, I'll call the Duke and Mr. Carlon." A maid was shocked to see Naku conscious.

After 5 minutes the maid left the room, Duke and Carlon ran in and saw Naku who was conscious.

"NAKU! Are you okay? You suddenly fainted on the underground earlier..." Carlon said with a worried expression to Naku.

"What happened?" Duke said to Naku who looked a little shocked.

"...I recalled some of my memories after touching the blade, I wanted to ask something to the uncle who made the sword." Naku answered Duke with a serious expression.

After Duke called the blacksmith, he came and listened to what Naku wanted to ask.

"Can you tell me what other material this blade is made of?" Naku asked the blacksmith.

"The blade of the sword is made from Crimson Meteorite..." the blacksmith answered confusedly.

"Is there something like... where does this material come from? or is there another name for this material?" Naku answered in a serious tone.

"Hmm... if I'm not mistaken, Crimson Meteorite was found in a cave with a very high temperature level, but before it became Crimson Meteorite, this material was called Blazing Flower because the original form of this material was a flower that burned with warm fire and could not be extinguished before then when it was If you pick it and leave it at low temperatures, it will become Crimson Meteorite." The blacksmith explained it to Naku who seemed to be listening seriously.

"...Blazing Flower.." Naku whispered the word in a low tone.

When Naku whispered these words and tried to remember something, suddenly he felt a severe headache and was accompanied by pieces of previous memories appearing in Naku's head quickly before disappearing and easing his headache.

"Haah... Blazing Flower.. seems to be related to the woman in my memory.. I don't know who she is but I think I have to look for her.." Naku said while looking Carlon in the eye.

"Uncle Carlon... I think I'll decided to go alone." Naku said in a voice that sounded a little weak.

Naku stood up from the bed and took his sword and put it in his weapon belt.

"Naku, don't you want to rest more first?" Carlon said to Naku with some worry.

"No, I need to search for my own memories, I don't even know anything about myself other than my own name. It's possible that I forgot something important due to my lost memories for reasons I don't know so I'm going on a journey to find the woman in my memory and at the same time recognize the outside world." Naku said to Carlon with a serious expression.

"Don't worry uncle, I already know things about survival and also... uncle has taught me a lot, so I will come back after getting answers about my memories that I lost without unknown reason." Naku smiled at Carlon with a sincere smile and Carlon realized that the smile on Naku's face now was a genuine smile that didn't follow someone's facial movements like before.

Outside the city near the gate, Naku walked with his bag and weapons and Carlon who saw this made him a little emotional because of the sudden separation, Carlon unconsciously considered Naku like his own little brother even though the time they had was only a few years.

"See you later, Naku." Carlon smilingly said with a slightly trembling tone.

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