Carlon's Past (Part 2)

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At the Knight of Zealuterra training building, Carlon along with his friends he met a while ago who were in a group with him were training together and teaching each other until the Knight Commander of the Knights of Zealuterra entered the building and ordered the entire group of troops to line up outside to hear the announcement that would be announced, Carlon and his group of troops walked out and lined up according to their order and ranks.

'I'm not going to mince words because there's no time.' The face the Commander made was so serious and scary as if he was about to face death.

'The Vivid Kingdom carried out a major attack on the defense force that was on the border between Vivid and Zealuterra, and they gave a serious declaration of war. We will be going there to support the defending troops and repel Vivid with all the troops on the border, and.. for the new troops..' The commander looked at Carlon's troops and looked at them carefully before turning his gaze straight ahead and saying.

'This is your first war in protecting the peace of the people of Zealuterra from the dangers that might occur, for those who don't want to risk their lives and are afraid... you may leave the field and guard the last wall of Zealuterra. However, for a warrior who has no fear and has a strong sense of justice and morals for the prosperity of the people of Zealuterra I ask you to come along and risk your lives.' The commander said firmly and honestly without lies.

'Guys..?' Carlon said with a tone that trembled because of the fear he felt looking at his troop friends who slowly left the field without saying a word leaving Carlon along with the reinforcements.

One by one the newly joined knights started to walk out and leave behind reinforcements out of fear for their first war, Carlon clasped his hands and looked at the figure standing straight in front of him boldly looking at the troops fearlessly and exuding an strong aura of justice in Carlon's eyes, he was the older brother of the Duke someone with silver hair and golden yellow eyes. Carlon took a deep breath gripping his fists tightly and lifting his head straight up to see the Commander and made up his mind to protect Zealuterra from Vivid's attacks.

'Thank you for your courage.' The commander said with relief seeing that there are still many knights with strong determination and great courage to protect their kingdom.

With hurried preparations, the commander raised his sword straight up and displayed his fighting spirit to the entire army.

'COME, WE SAVE THE PEACE OF THE PEOPLE OF ZEALUTERRA!' The commander shouted loudly and built up the spirits of his entire troop including Carlon.

'YES SIR!' The entire army as well as Carlon simultaneously shouted following the Commander and quickly headed for the border where the war was taking place.

On the border of Zealuterra and Vivid, which is called the Land of Chaos, there is a terrible battle between the Zealuterra defenders who are buying time for reinforcements to arrive and help them.

'UGH.. THERE'S SO MANY OF THEM!' Said a knight with slightly crushed armor and heavily injured.

'HANG IN THERE UNTIL REINFORCEMENTS COME!' Another knight shouted and cheered on the rest of the defending troops.

'WE MUST, UNTIL THE COMMANDER COMES!' He said loudly as he slashed his sword at the Vivid troops.

'GIVE UP ZEALUTERRA, VIVID WILL DOMINATE ZEALUTERRA AND BE POWERFUL!' The commander of the Vivid Empire Army shouted making the entire Zealuterra army hear it.

'...UNTIL WE DIE, WE WILL NOT GIVE UP TO PROTECT OUR KINGDOM!' The entire Zealuterra army screamed and slashed at Vivid's troops.

'...Peace is lost in this world, THE STRONG RULES THE WEAK!' Commander Vivid shouted and raised her sword, he slashed her blade using mana and killed half of the Zealuterra defenders with a powerful and sharp mana slash instantly.

'YOU SEE THAT?! THAT IS THE POWER THAT WILL OVERZE ZEALUTERRA!' Commander Vivid screamed and dominated the battle with just one slash.

Suddenly commander vivid was attacked by a mana slash from afar and sent him crashing into the ground hard.

'UGH!' Commander Vivid felt an intense pain in his hand and saw that his left hand had received a deep slash wound.

'You will not pass through this land while I am here.' The voice came from a figure looming in the smoke and walking toward Commander Vivid.

'...Commander of the Knights of Zealuterra.. so you're finally here.' Commander Vivid stood up and looked at the figure with an arrogant smile on his face.

The figure emerged from the smoke and revealed Commander Zealuterra clutching his sword tightly with mana thick on the blade and an aura that felt like it was stabbing into the bodies around him, Commander Zealuterra glared at him and made Commander Vivid momentarily feel as if he was being stared at by a beast.

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