Chapter 2

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Danmark, 888

Bright sunlight filtered down through the trees, creating a shadowy refuge for the large red, white and black wolf who watched the small house. The wolf remained hidden, unseen by the residents of the home.

He's been here many times over the last ten years. Always waiting and watching to see the woman that lived there. Not the older woman. She no longer held his heart. He'd loved her once and he did still care for her. But she was not his soulmate.

He waited for the younger woman. The one he'd watched over the last ten years grow into a beautiful young lady. She was the one he traveled so far to see, to make sure she was alright. Unharmed and cared for.

He couldn't help himself. He could not stay away as much as he was told he needed to. After his first couple of disappearances, his Alpha had confronted him.

"If you're going to keep disappearing for weeks at a time, at least let me know about it. Your honesty will go a long way with me."

He had agreed to those terms and so every six months he would inform his Alpha and make the journey north to check on his offspring

The older woman had remarried. She thought him dead and had found another man to protect her and warm her bed. He didn't like the man, didn't care for the way he treated her, but he could not interfere.

The last time he had come she hadn't been well. This time her scent was faint and he knew she had passed.

His main concern now was the safety of his daughter. She was a beautiful young woman and he did not trust her stepfather.

That evening he could hear shouting. He lifted his head, his soft red ears pointed towards the house. The front door opened and she walked out followed by the man he had come to despise

"You owe me," he shouted. "I have taken care of your mother and you for nine years. It's time you paid up."

"You were my mother's husband, my stepfather. What makes you think that I will lie with you now?" she retorted, walking away from him.

The wolf stilled at her words, a low growl escaping his massive chest.

"If you wish to continue to have my protection, you will do as I say. Otherwise I will throw you out and let the men of the village have their way with you. And you know they will not be gentle," he laughed.

"And you will be?" she scoffed at him. "You were never gentle with my mother either."

He didn't reply. He just stared at her for a moment, then he suddenly grabbed her and pushed her down, tearing at her dress.

Ragnar knew he shouldn't interfere, but Rolo didn't care and immediately took control. He raced out of the cover of the woods to protect his pup.

He grabbed the man, pulling him off of her and took his anger out on him for the way he had treated his wife and the audacity to think that he could touch his daughter. He ripped him to shreds before finally ripping his throat out.

She had backed away clutching her dress as she watched the scene in front of her in fascinated horror. She couldn't bring herself to be saddened by his death. She had never liked the man.

When it was over, the wolf turned and looked at her and sat down. She stared back at it for a few moments then slowly stood and began to walk backwards to the house. "Thank you wolf," she whispered before slamming the door shut.

'Well this is going to go over well,' Ragnar muttered to Rollo

'Did you want to stand by and watch him rape her?' Rollo asked him.

The Beta's Broken Mate (Book 3 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now