Chapter 47

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Cora suddenly realized her mind was starting to clear, as she could feel Missy present and hear her growling.

'You're fine, you're strong, and we're going to fight back,' Missy growled, pushing forward.

Cora forced back the fear she was feeling. She was the Royal Gamma Female, and he was dead.

She let her canines grow and the moment he was against the back of her throat again, she bit down hard, causing him to scream. He hit her in the head, trying to dislodge her. Cora yanked her hands free, and pushed him off of her. She kept her jaw shut and felt her canines rip through his skin and heard him scream again as he fell off the bed. She grabbed the chains holding her ankles and ripped them free.

He jumped up immediately, his hand holding his mangled penis as he stared at her in shock. "How did you get loose? Those were silver!"

"I'm not who you think I am," she said venomously, then released her full aura on him.

"What the.." he dropped to his knees, his head bowing and his body shaking in fear. His hands were between his legs, and he whimpered in pain.

Cora walked over to him. "Stand up."

He tried unsuccessfully and Cora reached down and hauled him up. She grabbed his balls, squeezing, twisting them and yanking on them like he had her nipples. He screamed again in agony.

"You see how that feels?" She carefully pulled off the clamps, wincing as she did so, and watched as she healed right up, the pain immediately easing. She looked at him and smiled. "You're lucky my mate's not here."

"You're not mated," he whimpered.

She reached out and grabbed his nipple. "Oh but that's where you're wrong." She pushed her hair back, revealing her mark, then applied the clamp to his nipple, squeezing it tightly so that it dug into his flesh.

He screamed and cursed at her, falling back to his knees in agony. "So you finally accepted him." He wheezed.

Cora tipped his chin up. "Who?"

He just stared at her, his lips sealed shut.

Cora grabbed the clamp and squeezed it again, causing him to scream. "Jasper! Stop."

"I asked you to stop numerous times, but you ignored me and continued to torture me. So why should I stop?" Cora asked him, squeezing again.

"You're insane," he screamed at her.

"No. I'm angry." She released her full aura on him again, and he fell over, whimpering like a baby.

"How are you doing this?" He cried.

Cora picked up the knife he'd used earlier to cut off her bra, then walked back over and grabbed him by the hair, lifting his head to look at her. "I'm the Royal Gamma Female."

His eyes widened in shock as Cora let go of his head then reached down and sliced off his penis. She grabbed it, and rammed it down his throat as he screamed. "You can choke on that," she said, before picking up the knife and slamming it down into his shoulder.

His screamed again, his hands cupping himself as he practically choked on his own penis, before he suddenly went limp. Cora looked up as the door opened.

Ragnar stood there in the doorway in shock as he looked over the scene. Cora was standing over a man, in just her panties, though he couldn't see a mark on her.

The man though, Ragnar cringed as he looked down at him. He pulled off his own shirt and handed it to her.

She pulled it on, then immediately went to him, tears streaming down her cheeks, and he pulled her into a hug as Caleb and Daniel walked in. He could feel the weight of her full aura on display. "Rein it back in, Cora," he whispered and felt it immediately disappear. It wouldn't faze any of them, but it would Lone Star.

"Remind me to never piss her off," Daniel muttered as he looked over the man laying on the ground, passed out. He turned to look at her. "Is he the one that was hurting you before?"

She nodded. "I was stupid. I walked out of the back of the warehouse and he hit me over the head and knocked me out. I never saw it coming. When I first woke up, he had drugged me." She shuddered.

"Trent's men heard you screaming and alerted us. We hadn't even realized you were missing," Ragnar told her.

"So I wasn't gone long?"

"No," Daniel said. "Are you okay?"

She shuddered. "I will be. Physically, yes."

"We heard you scream several times," Ragnar told her.

"Most of the screams were his," she kicked his foot.

"What did he drug you with?" Ragnar asked her.

"I don't know. He did it while I was still knocked out."

The two men looked around the the small cabin, and Ragnar picked up a syringe. He took a sniff of it and frowned.

"What is it?" Cora asked him.

"Opioids. Really not that strong either. I've taken stronger stuff than this," Ragnar mused.

"You?" Cora's eyes almost popped out of her head.

He smirked. "Not recently. It affects you very strongly for a very short time, then burns off fast. Especially with us."

"Cora, here's your clothes,"Daniel held them up for her.

"Thank you, Alpha," she said, taking them from him.

"Daniel," he reminded her. "Let's get him out of here, and you can get dressed."

A few of Trent's warriors were called in to pull the rogue out, both of them cringing when they saw the damage done to his body. They loaded him none to gently in a truck, causing him to come to.

"What's going on?" He shouted as he sat up.

Daniel approached him. "What's your name?"

"Who are you? I need medical attention! I need my dick reattached!"

Daniel crossed his arms over his chest. "Your name." He demanded.

The man gave him the middle finger.

Daniel released his aura on him causing him to whimper, his head bowed. "I believe I asked you a question."

"Bill. Who..who are you?"

"Daniel Remington."

He heard the man curse under his breath. "Sorry your majesty. I didn't know. Can I please have medical assistance? I'm in a lot of pain."

"I believe you left my Gamma Female in a lot of pain for days, Bill. You took from her things you had no right to take from any woman. What makes you think you can put your hands on a woman when it's not wanted?"

Bill kept his head bowed, not bothering to respond to the Alpha King.

"I could hear her screams all through these woods. You think it's okay to do that to another person?" Daniel growled.

"She castrated me!" he protested.

"After you used it to abuse her!" Daniel shouted at him.

"Can I at least have some pain pills?" Bill pleaded.

"What you can do is tell me who you were working for!" Daniel commanded him, the full weight of his aura released on the clearing, causing every member of Lone Star to drop to their knees in submission and his own pack members to bow their heads.

"I can't.." Bill cried.

"Tell me!" Rafe roared at him through Daniel.

Bill screamed, clutching his head. "It was Austin! He's been leading all of this. The trafficking.. all of it."

Rafe immediately shifted, and jumped into the back of the truck, and ripped out his throat. He growled as he stood there over the mangled body looking over the group, fury radiating off of him before he suddenly jumped down and took off into the woods.

The Beta's Broken Mate (Book 3 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now