Chapter 18

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Talia put the little car into park and sighed. It was the first time she'd driven a car in a few years. Not that she had told Daniel that or he might have reconsidered letting her borrow it. She had never owned her own car as it was not a necessity in New York City. Driving it was both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time

She opened the door and climbed out ready to start her first day. Caleb and Charlotte were keeping Matthew and she was only scheduled to work 5 hours which was fine with her

She walked inside of the diner and up to the hostess booth. A teenage girl glanced up at her. "Hi, how many are in your party?"

"Actually I'm here to start work." Talia smiled at her.

"Oh are you Talia?" Her face brightened.

"Yes, I am."

"Nice to meet you Talia. My name is Ashleigh. Come on. I'll take you to the back." She turned and headed back to the kitchen, Talia following close behind her.

The dining room itself wasn't busy, and she was glad for that. She just needed to learn the menu and where things were and she'd be good to go. Talia had been waitressing on and off for six years, and Jenna had said this place was easy.

Ashleigh stopped behind a tall broad shouldered man. "Noah?"

One of the most gorgeous humans Talia had ever laid eyes on turned around, flashing a brilliant smile as he looked her over. He had warm brown eyes and wavy brown hair styled messily. His face was clean shaven. "Are you Talia?"

Talia swallowed as she eyed him. "Yes."

"I'm Noah. I'm going to be training you tonight," he flashed his one hundred watt smile again and Talia smiled back. Well, work had just gotten a lot more interesting.

Two and a half hours later, she sat across from Noah at a table in the back, sipping a drink.

"You're catching on quick," he complimented her. "You said you've waitressed before?"

"On and off for the last six years," she confirmed. Jenna was right. This place had been easy.

"Where did you work?" Noah asked her.

"At a cafe in New York City. It could be pretty fast paced," she admitted, looking Noah over. She couldn't help but be attracted to him. He wasn't her usual type, not that she really had a type. She'd always wanted to save herself for her mate.

Noah was gorgeous, and he knew it. He was also very human. He was twenty-five, single and had lived in this town all of his life. "So what brings you to Podunk, Pennsylvania?"

She debated what to tell him for a long moment and decided to be vague. "I'm staying with a friend for a while."

"Long enough to get a job?" His eyes twinkled at her.

"Yes. I'm not sure how long, but for a while. I'm tired of the city. I lived there my whole life." That much was true.

Noah stood. "We have to get back to work. Welcome to Pennsylvania, Talia Sanders."

Talia settled well into her job and began to enjoy the new routine she was developing. It wasn't long before Noah asked her out on a date. She almost told him no, but at the last moment, she'd said yes. She really wasn't sure how she felt about him, but knew she wouldn't know until she spent some time with him away from work.

Talia was definitely attracted to him, but there was no bond. 'What do you think?' she'd asked Lila before she accepted.

'Im not sure. He's attractive but he's not a werewolf and Im not sure how I feel about that,' Lila admitted.

The Beta's Broken Mate (Book 3 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now