Chapter 9

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Happy New Year!

Jenna came back to see Talia again the next day, and she was very grateful for her visit. Jenna had every right to be angry at her as she was indirectly responsible for Noelle's kidnapping, but she could sense no hostility coming from the Luna.

She laid there for a while, letting Jenna hold her. Her touch wasn't nearly as comforting as Ragnar's but Talia felt less guilty taking comfort from her friend. "Thanks for coming."

"Anytime. You know I love you like a sister." Jenna brushed back Talia's hair.

She wanted to cry at Jenna's sweetness. "Jenna, I want to give up."

She felt Jenna stiffen. "Matthew needs you."

"I haven't been a very good momma to him," Talia shuddered. How could she have failed so many lately? James, Daniel, Jenna, Noelle and now Matthew?

"Ragnar was giving him his bottle when I got here," Jenna told her quietly.

"He came in and got him this morning. Jenna, there's something about him. He calms me," Talia sighed. She sort of wanted to keep it to herself, the feelings she had towards the man, but she also wanted to see what Jenna thought of the situation. She had no one else to talk to about it all besides Lila, no one here she knew well enough to spill her thoughts and feelings to.

"Like a mate would?"

Talia stiffened at her words. "We don't get second chances," she said bitterly. "But yes. I feel guilty about it." And now it was out there. Talia, of course, didn't want another mate, but it didn't seem fair that she'd lost her one and only so quickly. She knew at some point, she was going to want to be with someone again. She was still young.

"Daniel is going to change me tomorrow."

It took a moment for her words to sink in, then she rolled over and looked up at Jenna. "He is?"

Jenna nodded, a small smile touching her lips.

"What all does that entail?" She had been shocked when Daniel had told her he could change people into werewolves, and she was actually excited that Jenna was going to be one.. or at least as excited as she could be, given that she felt like her heart was being crushed. No other wolf out there had the power to do so; only the Alpha King.

"He gives me his blood, a few hours later I shift and then apparently I sleep for a long time to recover. I'd like for you to be there with me when I shift." Jenna played with Talia's hair.

"You would?" It was the last thing she'd expected to be asked. Jenna should be angry with her, not asking her to be present for one of the most important moments of her life.

"Of course, silly. You introduced me to the world of werewolves, educated me on them, and helped me meet Daniel. You could almost say you're partially responsible for me giving birth to a werewolf."

Talia cracked a smile.

"It's only right that you're there when I shift. You're the sister I never had, Talia. I want you there."

"Will Daniel be okay with me being there?" She could imagine he'd want to be alone with his mate.. don't go there.

"It was his idea," Jenna told her.

She really did want to see Jenna shift for the first time. It would pass some time, get her mind off of everything. 'What do you think?' she asked Lila.

'We should go. I need to stretch my legs and I want to meet Jenna's new wolf. It'll be good for us,' Lila stretched in her mind.

"Okay. I'll come. Lila wants to be there for you and meet your wolf." Talia took Jenna's hand in her own.

The Beta's Broken Mate (Book 3 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now