Chapter 56

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The elevator door opened, and Ben pushed a gurney into the room and down the hall, Tyler behind him with a second gurney.

They took them both into X-ray first. Ben had started chest compressions on Elijah right away, when he found the man not breathing. He was going to need a few scans, but Ben knew once he got the bullet out of his brain, Elijah's own healing would fully kick in.

Ben also wanted to run multiple scans on Lila to see if there was anything else he needed to worry about. His main goal was getting all of the silver out.

Tyler handed him the scans of Elijah's brain and his body. They both carefully looked them over. "That's the only bullet wound," Ben muttered.

"Have you ever done brain surgery before?" Tyler asked him.

"Nope. First time for everything," Ben said as he studied the scan.

"This is insane," Tyler said.

"It is. But if we don't get those bullets out.."

"I know, I know," Tyler said. "It'll take them forever to heal."

"You know the only reason I'm doing this is because I literally can't do any more damage, right," Ben asked him.

"Yeah I know," Tyler said with a sigh.

"I could probably reach in with my fingers and yank it out, but.." Ben shuddered. He picked up Talia's scans and looked them over then cursed. "They put four bullets in her, and the one to her head splintered and did a lot of damage. It's not going to be easy to remove."

"What?" Tyler asked, looking over his shoulder. "What the heck happened?"

"I have a feeling they were trying to get her to stop, and the only thing that did it was the bullet to the head," Ben muttered. "Probably at point blank range."

"Have you ever done surgery on a wolf before?" Tyler asked him.

"Nope," Ben sighed. "I think we're going to need help, Ty. I'm not that far out of med school, I work in a small-town clinic and you're a nurse. The only thing we have going for us is that we can't do any worse damage than what's already done.
Elijah should be pretty straightforward, but Talia.. I'm just not comfortable doing this. If it was just Elijah, I'd do it with your assistance, but with Talia.."

Tyler nodded. "I agree. So who do we call?"

"I don't know." Ben frowned, thinking. "Hold on. I'm gonna link Daniel." Any luck?

No. They're not here. We've searched the whole area. There's no trace of them, and we can pick up scents of other wolves on the boat, so I think someone took them, Daniel told him. Have you performed surgery yet?

No, and that's why I'm linking you. Elijah will be fairly easy. His lungs are compromised from being in the water so long, but once I get that bullet out, he'll be fine.

That's good news, Daniel said.

Talia on the other hand is going to be much more complicated. She was shot four times, and she was shot at point blank range to the head, which means the bullet ricocheted around in her brain like a pinball and splintered. It did a lot of damage. The problem I have is that I don't know what the heck I'm doing. I've never done any surgery like this before. I need help, and Tyler is most definitely NOT qualified. He can assist, but he's a nurse.

Daniel didn't reply for several long moments, and Ben sighed.

"What did he say?" Tyler asked.

"That they can't find Ragnar or Cora but they can smell other wolves and suspect they were taken," Ben said.

The Beta's Broken Mate (Book 3 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now