Chapter 6

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A bit later, Talia was in an SUV headed back to the plane. She stared out the window, lost in thought. She felt like she had a hole in her heart, where James had once been.

'How are we supposed to get through this?' she asked Lila.

'We will. One day at a time. We have our pup to take care of. He needs us,' Lila reminded her.

Talia brushed her fingers across Matthew's cheek. He was asleep, unaware of the cruelty of the world, and the terrible things that had happened that day.

She glanced up at the rearview mirror and met Ragnar's gaze. There was something about him.. something she couldn't explain. She was drawn to him and she didn't understand why. It bothered her, and she looked away.

They pulled up to the runway, and Talia sat there, staring at the plane. Charlotte had pulled Matthew out of the vehicle for her, and Ragnar opened her door, waiting patiently for her to get out. She looked up at him and finally slipped out, then followed him over to the plane.

Once on board, Ragnar turned to her. "Come with me."

She followed him back into a small bedroom in the rear of the plane.

Ragnar turned back to her. "I thought you might like some privacy," he said softly.

"Matthew?" She asked.

"Charlotte has him and will watch out for him if you want to sleep or rest. It's only going to take us about an hour to get back home." He desperately wanted to reach out and touch her but held back.

She wrapped her arms around herself, shuddering as she looked around the room. She was just barely holding it together.

"There's also a bathroom over there in the corner if you need it. I'll get out of your hair." He didn't want to leave, but he shouldn't stay.

"I.. I shouldn't ask, but could you please stay? I don't want to be alone," she whispered.

Ragnar turned back to her and saw the tears on her cheeks. He sucked in a deep breath, hating that she was hurting so badly. He walked back over to her and stopped a few feet away, waiting to see what she wanted.

Talia didn't know what she wanted, or rather she did, but she hated herself for it. James wasn't even buried yet and she was seeking comfort from another man. Just today, she told herself. The pain was so bad, she could hardly breathe. She met his intense blue gaze.

Ragnar stepped closer and opened his arms. Talia stepped into his embrace and sighed as a feeling of peace washed over her. Ragnar held her for a few moments, then sat her down on a couch in the room. The bed was much too intimate.

Talia didn't move the entire time, she just sat quietly allowing him to hold her. Neither spoke a word and she somehow managed not to cry. She wanted to sleep, but she'd wait until they were back at the Regal Eclipse pack house. Hopefully it wouldn't take long for her to be assigned a room.

When the plane landed, Ragnar let go of her and she followed him out of the bedroom and off the plane. They walked over to an SUV where the previous Alpha King and Luna Queen waited for them.

Caleb stepped forward. "Talia, we'd like for you to come and stay with us. We have a three bedroom apartment and plenty of room for you and Matthew. Charlotte and I will help you take care of him, and help you get through this. We'll keep you going."

Talia nodded, trying to keep the tears back. There was no reason for them to be so kind to her and yet they were offering to take her in and help her keep going. "Thank you," she whispered.

The Beta's Broken Mate (Book 3 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now