Chapter 52

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The sound of the bathroom door opening grabbed Ragnar's attention and his eyes almost popped out of his head as he stared at Talia. That was definitely NOT the bikini she wore the other day. This one was hot pink and left little to the imagination. He slowly looked her over, and felt his desire for her grow by the second. He'd finally calmed down after their shopping trip, and she'd managed to get him fully turned on again in two seconds flat. He could barely peel his eyes off of her. The bikini was a massive tease, just barely covering the parts he wanted to explore.

Earlier had been a tease for him too, but he knew he had to give her some release as he was well aware of much he'd aroused her. It hadn't been enough though. He wanted to touch her much more than the little bit he had earlier.

Then his gaze met hers and he saw how red her face was, and realized she was embarrassed. She wasn't even looking at him. "You look beautiful, Talia."

"I should change. I just can't find my other bikini. I think it might be in New York." She stammered, still not looking at him.

He stood and walked over to her and cupped her face with both hands. "Talia, it's just you and I. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. You look absolutely stunning in that bikini. I could stare at you for hours."

She searched his face and licked her lips.

His gaze moved down to her lips. "Talia, you have no idea what you do to me," he whispered. "You're stunning." He brushed his thumb across her lips then smiled and dropped his hands.

"I'm okay wearing it around you. I just.." She paused. "I would never wear it out."

He didn't respond to that, and she wondered what he was thinking. But he just smiled and pulled his shirt over his head. "Let me change."

She nodded and watched him walk into the closet. Talia sat down on his bed to wait. He was back a couple moments later and walked over to the French doors and opened one.

Talia stood and followed him over and watched him pull back the lid of the hot tub.He flipped on the jets and lights, then climbed in. "You coming in?"

Talia walked up the stairs, and he helped her in. The water was very warm, and she sighed as she sat down and watched him sit across from her.

Ragnar's gaze flicked over Talia seeing that she was more relaxed now. "You could have just gotten in naked."

Her eyes widened, and then she smiled. "Next time."

"Have you ever worn it before?"

"No. It was a gift from a friend. A human friend who has no idea how possessive male werewolves can be over their mate." She rested her head back against the cushion.

Ragnar smirked at her. "I don't mind you wearing it." Not at all.

She glared at him. "For you."

He chuckled. "Then no one who wants to lust after you has to die."

She laughed and shook her head. "So tell me about meeting English royalty." She needed a distraction. She was well aware of how turned on he was just from seeing her in the bikini, and she was contemplating something.

Ragnar sat back, his mind wandering back over the last millennium of his life. "Before I joined Regal Eclipse, I knew of Ranald Remington and his men."

"Daniel's grandfather?" Talia asked, wanting to make sure she had the story correct.

"Yes. Caleb's father. He was mated to a woman named Melinda. I knew of him, even before I met him or became a werewolf. He was well known throughout the land. Rumors ran abound, and most thought they were a group of assassins. No one had any idea they were immortal werewolves.

The Beta's Broken Mate (Book 3 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now