Chapter 4

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Members of the Virginia pack were more than happy to direct them to the cells, their sneers at Leon making it quite apparent that no one liked the former Beta. They were respectful towards the others, though, welcoming them to the pack.

The entrance to the cells was located in a small building. A staircase led them underground to the actual cells. Ragnar led Leon into an interrogation room and seated him in a chair. He fastened silver cuffs around the beta's arms and legs. Leon screamed his displeasure. Ragnar took a step back. Caleb had seated himself at the table, while Elijah stood off to the side, watching.

"So Leon, I want to know why the pack members here hate you, and what part you played in the Princess's kidnapping." Ragnar leaned back against the wall and folded his arms over his chest.

The former Beta didn't say anything, and Ragnar smashed his fist into Leon's face. He heard the satisfying crunch of breaking bones. He stepped back to wait.

The wolf spit blood on the floor, his eyes dazed for a moment. Once they cleared, he focused on Ragnar. "I wasn't involved in her kidnapping."

"Well, I know for a fact that you weren't at the house she was taken from," Ragnar started.

"You can't know that," Leon sneered at him. "You weren't there!"

Ragnar smirked back at the former Beta. "As a matter of fact, Leon, I can. I know those wolves came in through the garage. They went into the downstairs office first and incapacitated the Luna's father. Then they went upstairs, and grabbed the princess, along with her diaper bag before leaving the same way they came. They stopped in the kitchen and checked the refrigerator on their way out. There were two of them, and you weren't one of the two."

"You couldn't possibly know that. There's no cameras in that house," Leon yelled.

'Idiot,' Rollo muttered in disgust.

"Well Leon, contradictory to popular belief, scent neutralizers do have a distinct scent. It's not strong, but it's there. They also don't exactly cover up your scent either, which is why I know you weren't there," Rangar crossed his arms over his massive chest.

"That's impossible. You can't tell that when you use scent neutralizers. That's the point of them," Leon shouted at them.

"Obviously not, Leon," Caleb said, rolling his eyes.

"I'm getting bored," Elijah walked out of the room.

'He's not the only one.' Rollo yawned and curled up into a ball. 'Wake me when the idiot confesses.'

Elijah was back a few minutes later with a silver knife. "Let's take off some fingernails and see if he'll talk." Elijah handed the knife to Ragnar.

Leon stared at them both in fear, watching as the powerful wolf approached him, holding the silver knife in his bare hand. He knew for a fact the knife was pure silver. He'd used it himself on others, though he had always worn gloves.

Ragnar grabbed his hand, and slipped it under the fingernail of Leon's pinkie. The beta howled, trying to jerk his hand away. Ragnar pulled the knife up, removing Leon's nail from his finger, causing him to scream.

Ragnar backed away, watching the flailing wolf. "I followed the human to New York," he yelled, tears streaming down his face.

"The Luna?" Ragnar asked, raising his brows at the struggling wolf.

"She's a weak human. She can't be Luna, let alone a Queen." Leon snarled.

Ragnar shoved his fist through Leon's face. Blood began pouring out of the former Beta's nose, and he spit out a few teeth. "That's for disrespecting the Luna Queen, Leon. You better start talking, or I'm going to make sure all of your fingers match your pinkie. It's a good look for you. Now, what did you do in New York?'

The Beta's Broken Mate (Book 3 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now