Chapter 32

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Cora followed Ragnar out of the hospital and over to the pack house. He stopped in their dining hall and made a plate, then took it back to his suite. The room was a nice one with a living room and three bedrooms.

He sat down on the sofa and began to eat. Cora sat down on the chair nearby, her body less tense now that she was out of the clinic.

Ragnar ate quickly. He wanted to lay down and sleep, he was so tired. "If you want to take one of those two bedrooms over there, you can rest before we leave. I'm going to bed." He stood and walked into the room Eric had left his bag in earlier, closing the door behind him. He stripped off his clothes and laid on the bed, then sent a quick text to his pilot, letting him know when he wanted to take off. Then he called Talia.


"Hi. I'm sorry I haven't called before now. It's been a long day." He loved hearing her voice.

"That's okay. I know this whole Texas thing has been a pain," she said quietly.

"The Alpha's daughter managed to escape, so they moved up the raid so they could catch the rogues off guard," he explained.

"Oh my. Was she there?" Talia asked.

"No and I doubt her mate was either, though no one knows what he looks like. The raid had already happened when I got here." Ragnar yawned.

"Then why did they call you?" Talia asked curiously.

"Well I told them I'd come if they needed me, which Im glad I did because they missed a bunch of children the rogues had hidden underground. They would have died," he said softly. Talia looked beautiful tonight. She also looked tired.

"What? That's horrible," she said.

"Yeah. Also, they captured a she-wolf that is coming back with me." He watched her eyebrows shoot up.

"Is she a rogue?"

"No, but her story is complicated and her pack is being a bunch of douchebags about her. Trying to force her into an arranged mating," Ragnar said.

"Oh that's horrible," Talia said with a frown.

Ragnar nodded. "How are you? And Matthew?"

"We're good. Just miss you. Ragnar, I'm sorry I was so rude to you yesterday," she said quietly, her eyes tearing up.

"You weren't rude. You were in shock." He wished he could touch her right then. He hadn't since she'd found out she was his mate.

"No, I was rude, and I totally regret it. I didn't want you to think I was rejecting you, because I'm not."

Ragnar smiled at her. "I'm glad you're not."

"When do you come back?" Talia asked him.

"I'll be back in a few hours. I need to get some sleep first. I haven't slept since yesterday morning," he confessed.

"Why haven't you slept?" Talia asked, concern showing on her face.

"Well I helped Daniel and Caleb clean up, then I went for a run, and by the time I had gotten out of the shower, Alpha Trent was calling me. I did doze a bit on the plane," he admitted, stifiling another yawn.

"Will you text me before you take off?" Talia asked him.

"I sure will. I hated to leave you, but I'm glad I came here," he said. "Those children would have died."

"I can't even imagine the terror they must feel," she said. "Are they human?"

"Yeah. Cora was the only werewolf in the group. She was also the eldest at eighteen," Ragnar yawned.

The Beta's Broken Mate (Book 3 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now