Chapter 21

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Ragnar sat across from Daniel at his desk the next morning before breakfast, quietly studying the Alpha King. Daniel had been so much more relaxed over the last several weeks now that Jenna was with him and safe. He was able to focus on his work and he was happier than Ragnar had ever seen him.

"So his own daughter was the traitor?" Daniel asked incredulously.

Ragnar nodded. "Inadvertently. Her mate is working with the rogues and she was telling him their plans. Pillow talk. She didn't realize she was betraying them."

Daniel sat back in his seat and laced his fingers behind his head. "I had a feeling there was a traitor."

"So did I. I didn't think it was his own daughter though," Ragnar mused.

They were both quiet for several moments, each lost in their own thoughts.


He glanced up.

"I've been thinking over what we talked about. If she's ready to try dating again, it's a good indicator that she might be ready to move on." Daniel folded his hands in front of him on the desk.

"I have to admit, that surprised me. But I can't sit back and watch her date other men, Daniel. It'll kill me." Ragnar leaned back in his chair and rubbed his beard. "I'll ask her out first."

Daniel nodded thoughtfully. "Have you...?"

Ragnar raised an eyebrow at him. "Have I what?"

Daniel glared at him, wondering if the Beta was being purposely obtuse. "You know."

"No, I don't," Ragnar watched Daniel grow annoyed with him and smirked to himself.

"Have you made any moves on her?" Daniel finally asked him.

Ragnar let a smile escape. "No. But there are moments when I think she's disappointed that I don't. I just don't want to scare her away, do something she might feel guilty about later, though now hearing that she's kissed another man, I'm wondering why I haven't kissed her."

"Do you think she suspects at all?"

Ragnar shrugged. "I don't know. I know she realizes that there's a bond between us, but I don't think she understands what it is because she doesn't feel it like I do. I know she's attracted to me. I also know she's much more comfortable with her attraction than what she used to be."

Daniel was quiet for a bit, thinking. "I spoke to my father about her yesterday, and he thinks she's ready to be asked to join us. He told me she has no desire to return to New York City. She thinks it wouldn't be good for her mentally and he agrees."

"I think so too. She's no longer the broken woman she was the first few weeks she was here," Ragnar said. He had hated to see her like that.

"I've also talked to Jenna about her since they spend so much time together. She told me Talia doesn't want to spend the rest of her life alone, and neither does Lila. She's only twenty-two."

Ragnar could understand that. He'd spent a good deal of his life alone and it sucked. He had dated on and off but he'd never had the connection he had with her. And it would only get stronger once she realized they were mated.

"Have you seen her since you came back?" Daniel asked him.

"Not yet. I told her I'd see her at breakfast." He couldn't wait to see her. He'd missed her so much.

Daniel pulled out his phone. "I'll text her to come see me then after breakfast. If she agrees, we'll have the ceremony tomorrow night."

Ragnar stood. "Sounds good." He walked out of Daniel's office and headed for the dining hall. The scent of pancakes filled the hallways, but the moment he entered the dining hall, all he could smell was Talia.

The Beta's Broken Mate (Book 3 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now