Chapter 30

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Cora sighed as she flipped off the water. She had scrubbed her skin raw, wanting to wash off the touch of the rogues and the unwanted memories. She still didn't feel clean, and wondered if she ever would.

The doctor had been kind enough to leave her a toothbrush and mouthwash. Even though she'd brushed her teeth and washed her mouth out before the shower, she did so again now. She didn't know if she'd ever be able to perform oral sex on someone again, even her own mate. She felt sick, just thinking about it.

She doubted her mate would want her now, whoever he was. She might as well go home and allow herself to be mated to Jasper. It couldn't be much worse than what she'd been through over the last week.

'It'll be worse, and you know,' Missy, her wolf spoke up.

Cora knew she was right. Jasper would take and take until she had nothing left to give, and then he would take some more.

'We should stay here. With Ragnar,' Missy said.

'Are you sure we can trust him?' Cora asked her dubiously.

'I feel like we can,' Missy replied confidently.

Cora had her doubts, but then every man she'd come across lately had hurt her. She didn't know anything about Lone Star Pack except that they were in Texas, and Ragnar was apparently the Beta. She hadn't really felt it though. The Alpha family of her pack liked to throw their auras around and make others bow down to them. She hadn't sensed any sort of aura from Ragnar. Hopefully he'd be able to protect her.

She dressed herself in the clothes Dr. Emma had provided for her. She'd told her more than she'd wanted to, but once Emma had got her talking, it was like a damn had broken loose and Cora couldn't stop.

Once she was finished, she sat back on the hospital bed and pulled the blanket up. She was so tired, but didn't feel safe enough to really sleep.

Emma knocked on the door a short time later and poked her head in. "Are you all done with your shower?"

Cora nodded.

Emma walked in. "I brought some cream for your wrists and your breasts." She walked over to Cora's side and showed her the two bottles. "This one is for your wrists. It will help with the scaring. The other is lidocaine and will help ease the pain for now."

Cora lifted the long sleeves of her T-shirt and let the doctor apply the cream to her wrists. They immediately felt better. She hoped the burns would disappear fully but she doubted they would.

"Do you want me to apply the other, or would you like to do it yourself?" Emma asked her.

Cora bit her lip. "I want to try it myself."

The doctor nodded and pulled the curtain closed, giving Cora a bit of privacy. She pulled off her shirt and pulled down her bra. Her nipples looked better but the indentations from the clamps were still visible. She opened the cream and carefully began to apply it. She winced. They still hurt, and she could barely touch them. "Emma?"

Emma poked her head around the curtain.

"I can't do it. Just please do it fast."

"Okay." Emma walked over and quickly applied the cream, rubbing it in as best she could as Cora whimpered. "I'm so sorry, but this will make them feel so much better."

"It's fine," she gritted out.

"All done."

Cora carefully put her bra back on and slipped her shirt down.

"I'd like to start an IV on you," Emma said. "Just to get some fluids in you. You're very dehydrated."

Cora chewed on her lip for a moment and then nodded. She watched the doctor start the IV, then she showed Cora what she was giving her. "I'm going to get you some food too. Also, the Beta would like to speak to you if you're up for it."

The Beta's Broken Mate (Book 3 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now