Chapter 7

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Ragnar woke the next morning after a restless night's sleep, concerned for Talia. How had she fared through the night? Had she slept at all? He lay in his king sized bed for several long moments, then decided to link Caleb. You awake, old man?

Who you calling old?

Ragnar smiled. He was almost twice as old as Caleb, had watched the pup become king, and almost walk away without an heir when his own mate had died. How's Talia this morning?

She slept through the night. Why are you so concerned with her? Caleb asked him.

She's my mate.

Silence for several long moments. Is she aware on any level?

Ragnar sighed. She's drawn to me, but that's about it. I can comfort her like a mate would.

Caleb sighed. Just be patient. I know it's dumb to say to you of all people, but..

I know. I figure for now I'll just be her friend. Ragnar ran a hand through his blond hair.

Charlotte and I will be down for breakfast. See you then?

Of course. He got out of bed and headed for the bathroom. Might as well get the day started. He had plenty to do since Daniel had been so distracted with Jenna.

Once he was dressed, he headed down stairs to check his email and see what needed his attention. The smells of breakfast filled the halls, but Ragnar headed into his office and sat down at his desk.

Fifteen minutes later, he was finished and headed to the dining hall for breakfast. There was nothing that couldn't wait until later.

The dining hall was busy as usual, and Ragnar joined the buffet line, grabbing a plate. He glanced around while he stood waiting. Astrid was sitting with Elijah like usual.

He scented Caleb before the old Alpha entered the dining hall, Charlotte right behind him, Matthew in her arms. He wasn't surprised that Talia wasn't with them. Disappointed but not surprised.

He made his plate and sat down next to Elijah. You talk to Daniel yet this morning?

He's planning to be back at some point today. Elijah dug into his eggs.

The Luna?

She's coming with him. She agreed to move in.

Good. It'll be much easier to guard her and the princess with them both on our territory. Ragnar was glad Jenna had agreed to that. He was also happy that after a year of being parted from Jenna, Daniel and she had finally been reunited. He hoped it wouldn't take him a year to finally have Talia. He sighed, feeling deflated and Astrid looked up at him.

"She here?" She whispered.

He shook his head. She frowned and reached across the table and squeezed his hand. Ragnar flashed her a smile, then stood.

He got rid of his plate, then walked over and sat down next to Charlotte. She turned to him and immediately shoved Matthew in his arms.

"Hold him while I finish eating," she said.

Ragnar looked down at the tiny pup. He was wide awake and staring up at him. He smelled a bit of Talia and more of his own unique scent. Ragnar felt Rollo push forward and scent the pup. 'Did Mate eat breakfast?'

"She eating?" He asked Caleb.

Caleb shook his head. "Not since she's arrived. I invited her down for breakfast but I don't even think she even heard me. We have to remember it's only been a little over twenty-four hours since he was murdered in front of her."

The Beta's Broken Mate (Book 3 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now