Chapter 35

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"There was a big celebration thrown when Jasper turned eighteen and the whole pack was invited to celebrate. Not long after I showed up with my parents, Jasper came up to me, pulled me into his arms and called me his mate." She stared at the table in front of her, remembering that night.

"That's impossible," the King said.

"Yeah it is. He wouldn't know until you turned eighteen," Ragnar agreed.

"He said it was because he had Alpha blood that he could tell I was his mate," she murmured. She'd been just as shocked as the rest of the pack.

The King shook his head. "His own father would know better."

"Well Jasper always got..." She stopped herself. "I shouldn't speak ill of my alpha."

"I'd rather you spoke candidly about him, Cora," The King told her.

She nodded. "Whatever Jasper wanted Jasper got. The Alpha and the Luna always catered to him."

"So basically if he wanted the pack to believe this farce that you were his son's mate, he had no problem lying to them all." The King drummed his fingers on the table.

"No, he didn't," Cora agreed

"Go ahead with your story," the Queen said.

"A few days after the party, I went to the pack house for lunch and he cornered me there and led me to his room. He told me he couldn't wait and wanted to mark me right away." Cora's forehead wrinkled as she thought back to that day.

"And you were only fifteen?" Talia asked.

"Yes and not nearly as strong as him. He told me it would only be the one time and I mustn't tell anybody," Cora brushed away a tear and the Queen reached over and took her hand, squeezing it gently. "I didn't believe him. I knew there would always be one more time. I tried to tell him that I wasn't ready and that I was only fifteen but he said it didn't matter because I was his mate."

Cora held tightly to the Queen's hand. "He put me on his bed and started taking my clothes off. I was fighting him and he hit me hard enough to stun me. He almost had me completely undressed when his father walked in and stopped him.

His mother came in and dressed me. My head was bleeding and she cleaned that up and I was told to not tell anyone about the incident and they would keep Jasper away from me until I was eighteen."

Everyone was quiet until finally Talia spoke up. "Did your parents know about it?"


"He didn't alpha command you?' the King asked.

"No, he didn't. But looking back I think he may have Alpha commanded Jasper if that's possible because Jasper never touched me again. There were times he would corner me but he never touched me."

"You said a few times that Jasper is cruel. In what way besides him hitting you?" The King asked her.

"He was a bully. He made sure everyone in the pack knew he was the Alpha's son. He picked on kids who were half his age. He also was sleeping with a girl who was his own age and she always had bruises." Cora had felt sorry for Jess. She'd seen the bruises, black eyes and bloody noses, and known it would happen to her if she agreed to be mated to him.

"Even though he claimed to be mated to you?" the King asked.

"Yes. She rubbed it in my face at first. Not that I cared but after a few months that stopped and I saw her all the time with bruises and busted lips. Sometimes she'd have black eyes. I think she wanted out but Jasper wouldn't let her and since he couldn't have me he took it out on her." Cora shuddered.

"And your parents were oblivious." Ragnar crossed his arms over his chest.

"They were thrilled when Jasper claimed that I was his mate. They appreciated the attention they received from other pack members and it was all they talked about. They were obsessed with me being mated to Jasper. I told my mother at one point that I had no desire to be mated to him and she just laughed at me. Then my father told me that if I rejected the Alpha's son I could find somewhere else to live because I would no longer be their daughter." Those words had hurt so badly. They were supposed to protect her and instead they were willing to feed her to the wolf. Cora's shoulders shook as she cried.

Talia stood and moved over next to Cora and put an arm around her, hugging her close. Cora cried harder. She hadn't had anyone be so kind to her in quite some time

Once she had gotten her emotions under control, she continued. "The day of my eighteenth birthday, my parents were so excited because I could finally be mated to Jasper. I was not. I had hoped that someone else in the pack would be my mate but I also wouldn't put it past Jasper to kill them if they were." She frowned. "I wouldn't be surprised If he hunted down my mate in another pack and killed him just so he could have me."

"Sounds like Jasper is stalker obsessed with you. I doubt he is going to let this go," the King said, rubbing his mate's back. "Cora you're welcome to stay for a while until we get all of this sorted out and then you can decide what you want to do. For the time being, I'm going to put you up with my parents for now. They will take good care of you."

"Your ... parents?" Cora squeaked out. She was expected to stay with the former King and Queen?

"I've been staying with them as well, so we'll be roommates," Talia said.

Cora took a shuddering breath and nodded. She needed to trust these people to keep her safe. She'd rather sleep on Ragnar's couch, but given that his own mate wasn't even living with him, she knew it wasn't an option. "Do they live in the pack house?"

"Yes. They're the door I pointed out to you last night," Ragnar told her. "You'll like them Cora."

"Yes, you will," Talia said. "Caleb and Charlotte are wonderful people."

"Okay, so let's meet again after dinner. Elijah will be back by then. Cora I'd like you to attend as well. Caleb and Charlotte will be coming and they'll make sure you get there," the King said.

"Yes, Alpha," Cora mumbled.

"If you'd like to come with us, Jenna and I are on our way up there to pick up our pup." The King and Queen both stood.

Cora glanced at Ragnar who gave her a reassuring smile, then at Talia. "Thank you," she whispered.

Talia gave her another hug. Cora stood and followed the couple out of the dining room.

The Queen dropped back and wrapped an arm around her. "You'll like it here once you get used to us, Cora. Welcome to Regal Eclipse."

The King smiled at her as well and moved to her other side. Maybe this place wouldn't be so bad.

The Beta's Broken Mate (Book 3 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now