Chapter 3

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Present Day

The Day Alpha Jason challenged Alpha King Daniel Remington

Outside the Borders of the Virginia Pack

Ragnar threw the SUV into park and opened the door. He scanned the area, tuning out the voices of the others who were with him. He could sense the border about ten feet in front of him, but no wolves nearby. He waited quietly, letting time pass. Still no movement. Where was the patrol? He smirked.

'Stupid wolf doesn't have the right to call himself an Alpha,' Rollo muttered in Ragnar's head.

He stepped away from the group, and worked his way up the border carefully, listening and scenting the air. Once he was down a ways, he stripped off his clothes and shifted into his wolf, letting Rollo take charge. He began to work his way along the eastern border of the pack lands, but there were no border patrol to be found. The pack was located in a valley, and the terrain on both the north and south went straight up hill. The pack lands were well positioned but still. There should be a border patrol.

Jason is dead.

The mindlink came from Ragnar's current Alpha, Daniel Remington, grandson to Ranald Remington. He smiled. Jason had been Alpha of the Virginia pack for the last two years, and had abused his authority, kicking members out of his pack for the smallest infraction. Daniel's sister, Charity, had been investigating the pack and working with a group of Rogues, most of them former members of Jason's pack, to create their own pack. Jason had done everything within his power to thwart Charity's efforts.

During one of his visits to Regal Eclipse, Jason had gotten it in his head that Daniel was weak, and not fit to be the Alpha King. Daniel had been distracted, as his own mate was missing, though Jason hadn't been aware.

Around the time Daniel reconnected with his mate, and found out she'd given birth to his pup, Jason had done his own investigation. He had kidnapped Daniel's daughter and heir, forcing the Alpha King to come to him and fight. Jason had been challenged five times previously, and left five dead opponents in his wake. He didn't doubt his abilities when it came to the Alpha King.

But no one had bothered to tell the arrogant Alpha Jason that the Alpha King was one of only a handful of werewolves that were immortal. He had no chance, but they had let him learn that one on his own. Kidnapping the future Alpha Queen had sealed his fate.

Ragnar, where are you? The mindlink came from Caleb, Daniel's father and the former Alpha King. They were still by the SUVs that Ragnar had left some time ago, waiting for the all clear.

Jason had been very specific as to who he would allow on his lands when he challenged the King. Daniel of course, as well as Daniel's mate, Jenna; and Charity, Daniel's sister, who Jason had desired to mate. He'd made his requests known multiple times, but Charity had denied him. She was still waiting for her fated mate, and would have no other.

I have a hunch. Be back shortly, Ragnar linked back, as Rollo plodded along, stopping occasionally to scent the air and listen.

Caleb grunted in response, and Ragnar smiled to himself. When Caleb was king, Ragnar had been his Gamma. Caleb had been a good King, but he was stubborn.

Rollo suddenly stopped at the sound of something approaching and listened carefully.

'A wolf,' Rollo said in his head. 'And he's not being very careful. He's in a hurry and he knows the border is unguarded.'

Rollo shifted back, giving Ragnar the reins in the process.

'Climb' the wolf advised.

'Don't think you could do it yourself?' Ragnar smirked at him.

The Beta's Broken Mate (Book 3 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now