Chapter 16

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Two months passed and Talia's life settled into a routine. She would join the pack for all of her meals, and go out most days with Ragnar for a run. Sometimes Astrid would join them. Talia found that she really liked his daughter.

She helped Charlotte and Jenna create an adorable nursery for Noelle, and spent a good deal of time with the two Lunas. She also met Brianna and helped out in the kitchen whenever she could. Brianna was teaching her to cook, and Talia really enjoyed it.

Matthew was growing like a weed, and Talia was extremely thankful she had help with him. Caleb and Charlotte adored him, and he them. They treated him like their grandpup, doting on him and spoiling him rotten.

Talia had grudgingly admitted that Caleb was right. Forcing her back into the world had been the best thing for her. She still missed James terribly, but it wasn't on the forefront of her mind all the time.

And then there was Ragnar. He had become her best friend, and she loved spending time with him. She'd be lying to herself if she said she wasn't attracted to the man, but so far, she had kept that secret close to her heart. They had an unusual bond, and while Talia had thought many times about asking him about it, she had no desire to make their relationship awkward.

Lila seemed to think Ragnar was attracted to them, but so far he'd never acted on it. He wasn't afraid to touch her, but he never did anything inappropriate either.

Talia couldn't help herself. The man was gorgeous and she couldn't help but find him physically attractive, but she also loved the way he treated her, the way he gave her his undivided attention. They could be in a room full of people, and his intense blue gaze was always on her.

The dreams continued as well. Ragnar came to her almost nightly, calling her his mate, and the things he did to her left her aching for him in the middle of the night. She wondered what it would really be like to be in his bed.

The more time passed, the more Talia realized that Lila was right. She didn't want to be alone for the rest of her life. She wanted to share her life with someone.

While she'd never have the same bond that she'd shared with James, she could still have a happy life with a chosen mate. She longed for the companionship she'd had with James and at some point, she wouldn't mind having another pup or two.


Talia glanced around the finished nursery as Jenna sat in her rocker, giving Noelle a bottle. Astrid had painted a murial on two of the walls complete with a castle and surrounded by wolves. Highly appropriate, Talia mused. "So when are you and Daniel going to have more pups?"

Jenna looked up, her eyes wide with surprise as she frowned. "Not yet. It hasn't even been that long since I gave birth."

Talia smiled. "Have you even discussed it with him?"

Jenna shook her head. "Not really. We've discussed it in passing, but nothing serious. Honestly, Id like this one to grow up a bit so I can have some time alone with her father. I feel like I can't.." Jenna stopped, and looked at Talia. "Sorry."

Talia shook her head. "You don't need to walk on egg shells with me, Jenna. I'm okay. I want you to be able to talk to me about whatever."

Jenna sighed. "How are you really?"

Talia looked down at Matthew, who was sleeping on a blanket on the floor. "Some days are better than others. I miss him. Terribly. But at the same time, I don't want to be alone the rest of my life. I miss that companionship I had."

"You're still young," Jenna pointed out.

"Yes, Lila keeps reminding me of that," Talia agreed. "She doesn't want to be alone either." She was only twenty-two and had her whole life ahead of her. She sighed. Twenty-two and already a widow.

The Beta's Broken Mate (Book 3 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now